Judging from the Oolong news of Apple's "Weekly", the credibility of the media is not considered low.


"Weekly", a subsidiary of Hong Kong's "One Media", just published an entertainment special report on TVB artist Zeng Weiquan. The organization actually made this big joke. I wonder if the editor and reporter would cut their stomachs to thank the world!

The author respects Mr. Zeng Weiquan very much. He passed away from lung cancer earlier. He was only 60 years old. It can be said that he died young. He is popular, and he also loves small animals. He often tries his best to adopt stray cats and dogs. Although his life is not rich, he has never made a profit for his name. It is rare for him to have feelings for Hong Kong. During the period of Occupy Central Taking to the streets to speak out for justice, and to cry for the loss of the rule of law and freedom of speech in Hong Kong society, it can be seen that Mr. Tsang is a person with a conscience, a sense of reason, and the concept of big things.

This time "Weekly" made an oolong about Zeng Xian's emotional relationship with Mei Xiaohui and Ye Liyi in 1998, but please be careful, the Ye Liyi mentioned just now is not a Hong Kong star who sings "Shanghai Beach" Ye Liyi, but a Malaysian female artist, Ye Liyi, but their names happen to have the same name and surname, so "One Media" made a big joke, but as a professional communication agency, it is indeed to blame for such low-level mistakes.

First of all, as a media, we must seriously deal with every source of news and information, and we must carefully verify the reported content before releasing it to the public. It is obvious that the two were mistaken this time, and the responsibility cannot be attributed to the same name and the same surname. The relationship was caused by the fact that the reporters and editors acted sloppily and hastily, and did not respect the journalism industry at all, because Zeng Weiquan and Mei Xiaohui were dating first, and then Zengsheng developed a relationship with Miss Ye because of the filming of dramas in Malaysia. Finally decided to give up the 13-year relationship with Mei Xiaohui and continue to communicate with Ye. The news of this love triangle was very sensational in the entertainment circle at the time, and another "Shanghai Bund" Ye Liyi was born in 1947 and was 51 years old in 1998. , and Zeng Weiquan was born in 1960 and was just 38 years old in 1998. The age difference between the two is one generation. Even if the reporter is too young to know the news of the entertainment industry 20 years ago, he should use common sense to judge the age of the two. Is there a problem with such a large gap.

The most puzzling thing is that this is not a single breaking news, there should be no subjective factor of rushing to report ahead of time, so there is enough time for news materials to be verified, the materials are verified and then written, and there is time to proofread the manuscript after the manuscript is completed. And typesetting, the process has to go through at least three people. No one in this operation chain has noticed this big mistake, which reflects that their professional level of journalism is really low.

Finally, what is even more disgusting is that the content of the report is suspected of hype. This special report vividly links Ye Liyi and Zeng Sheng of "Shanghai Bund". This is fake news out of nothing, not only the report is untrue , and innocently hurt the reputation of other people. This kind of unethical journalistic conduct is unbearable. It seems that the credibility of this media organization is really low.


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