Unrelated Encryption | Women's Festival 2022・Explore the life course from the womb


Just in the past on August 14th and 21st, I participated in two " Women's Festival Women's Festival 2022 " events, and I thought this program was meaningful, so I stopped writing about cryptocurrency in Matters, and wrote an article to share the experience of the event.

Why participate?

Friends who are familiar with me know that for well-known reasons, the place to show what code is always exempt, but there are always exceptions. After thinking about this year's Women's Day, I felt that I should participate in whatever, and a certain rebate coupon (if Taiwanese friends don't understand, rebate means money back, especially here some money that should belong to everyone has been withheld, and It was later returned) and also accelerated my decision to participate, but I would only thank myself for participating and not backwater.

This is the first Women's Festival I have participated in: this year's fifth Women's Festival has been successfully held even in Hong Kong in 2019. It has not stopped since the beginning. It's amazing! Also tell everyone not to underestimate the resilience of women. To be honest, in the first year of 2018, I thought about whether the Women's Day would be a move to sell dog meat. After all, one of the founders was Vera Lv Yingheng, the owner of Sally's Toy , a gender-friendly intimate daily necessities store. I was afraid that Sell would choose not to participate at that time , and in the next few years, "The Change of the Wind and Clouds" made me have no time to take care of it. Fortunately, Vera's work in promoting correct sexuality and gender education in recent years has not stopped even in the middle of pregnancy. There are a lot of shop owners who just sell sex toys, so why make a film to explain the public appearance? So my respect for her grew over time. Until this year, I felt that the time and mood were suitable to finally participate in the Women's Day. Although I only entered the stage to participate in two sessions, the feeling was very profound.

Talk to the womb

Women's Festival Women's Festival 2022 program theme is "A Womb Dialogue" "If the womb could talk, what kind of story would she/he/it/he/it tell?". The "theme girl" is the plus-size model Lezlie Chen Yingtong. I wonder if some people are very resistant to seeing the theme image? Especially the uterus, menstruation those "women's" (women's things), and the models are not 36-24-36 hot girls. But I have written on the subject of obesity before, and " everyone, whether you are male or female, comes from the womb ", Women's Day has always welcomed any gender identity as male/female, biological gender male/female, People with/without uterus will participate, and mothers with dolls will provide childcare services.

Instead, I think Lezlie is like a fat BB who is waiting to give birth in the womb, full of nutrition, and can't wait to see the new things in Hori world. Why does a cute BB become whiter and fatter in the womb, we like it very much, and grow up to be fat Will you be despised for nothing?

Women's Festival Women's Festival 2022 Key Visual

body anxiety

The " Dove Presents: My Unqualified Body: Exploring Body Anxiety " lecture I participated in was delivered by Lezlie, Vera, illustrator Canaan Fong and another Women's Festival founder and gender studies scholar Sonia Huang Yuying. Sonia shared the theme image concept that Lezlie in the womb is like reinventing the goddess Venus in our time. And Canaan said she didn't know Lezlie was the model and the uterus was the background when she got the job of painting the special edition pattern for Women's Day; but she sold it at the painting venue, and the proceeds, deducted the cost, were donated to three Happy Moon gift packs for women's rights organizations At that time, he even accidentally drew the appearance of "fatty fat" with uterine wings on it, just like Lezlie! It seems that there is a mysterious synchronicity in the dark.

The above may seem positive, but each speaker has his own story of body anxiety:

"Fat fat" is when Work from Home saw Mizuhara Kiko's sexy collarbone on Instagram during the Canaan epidemic, and then looked at herself because of WFH's increasingly rounded body, so she unfollowed Suwon and began to write what she wanted to draw. The more rounded lines are drawn, the more handy it is. A free and self-contained life philosophy, the pink-haired girl with raised eyebrows, who is "lazy when others say I'm fat", was officially born. However, Canaan's own work is considered to be a behind-the-scenes person in the entertainment industry. The posture and aesthetics of entertainers must follow a certain set of secular standards, and sometimes even criticize based on work needs to meet universal values. Until one day, the photos on her private IG account were criticized, and people's malicious attacks in the dark made her feel like she had collapsed, and she was determined to hide in the fat IG account to "escape". Later, more and more people followed the fat and fat account, saying that her creations could resonate with everyone, so that she slowly walked out of the shadow of harm and gained many supporters. Regarding the philosophy of fat and fat, it is recommended that you directly followfat and fat IG to watch, no matter what your body, appearance and gender are, I think you will like it.


As for Lezlie , whom she has known since she was a model for the Hong Kong plus-size brand Fashion Corner Plus , knowing that she participated in the filming of the TV show "Fat Beauty" in the spring and was bullied, I was really angry with her! Her case was that her body shape changed due to hormonal changes in middle school. She also experienced a situation where she was unhappy even if she lost 100 pounds at 260 pounds. In the end, she still felt that "being yourself" was the most important thing. Having met the real person, I think she is a really lovely girl, and I look forward to her brilliant career in singing and modeling in the future! The conference has a visit to see her experience.

Fatty Taboocha Large Cup Tea with Sweet and Sour Natural Fermented Tea and Píng Bottle • Bottled Cocktail. Everyone says that fat is actually the incarnation of Lezlie!

And Vera shared that as a mother of two daughters her body has been "out of shape" due to pregnancy and she is still grateful to her body and uterus for her two new lives. She suffered from depression after giving birth and found that Buddhist counseling was very helpful to her, so she strongly suggested that she must seek help if she felt that she had emotional problems . In addition, she shared the "supernatural story" of her aunt's "reporting her dream" when she was dying, which was quite touching.

Vera Lu Yingheng (left), Lezlie Chen Yingtong (right)

Sonia seems to be the "strongest" in appearance and qualifications among the four speakers, but I think she has the softest heart. She has been praised as a "beautiful girl" since childhood His body became tight and even hurt, and he was anxious about his body and vomited before speaking. Let me understand that it's not because of being fat that you feel bad about yourself, it's that people of any size and type can have anxiety about their bodies.

onia Huang Yuying

Based on personal goldfish-like memory, there is no more detailed record, but after one hour and 30 minutes of the whole session, my feeling is that the four speakers have completely opened up their lives to share their experiences, and when it comes to their feelings, they will fall. Tears made the audience wipe their tears together. It prompted me to buy tickets for the last Women's Day "Pacha Care Presents: If the Womb Could Talk: One Person, One Story Sharing".

Sharing the story of the womb

" Pacha Care Presents: If the Womb Could Talk: One Person, One Story Sharing " was hosted by transgender creator Wong Suet Ling Beatrice, artists Xie Xiaoyang Milo Tse and Sonia, and also attended by Vera, the founder of Women's Festival. Tell stories about the womb through music, poetry readings, and sharing personal experiences. Based on the content of the program, which is mainly based on the impromptu sharing of guests and participants, "What Happens Here, Stays Here" (What Happens Here, Stays Here), so I will not write more specific stories. There are blood and tears in the sharing of everyone's living experience. I also shared my experience of surgery. I am not used to speaking in front of others. powerful, finally comforting.

uterus sharing session

Free activities are also worth watching

In addition to the events that require admission, the conference also arranges free events, including " Pacha Care Presents: Moonlight Story Wall " at the lobby of Eaton Hotel where the venue is located. It is a pioneering work to put sanitary napkins all over the check-in location.

Powerful sanitary napkin punch

And Intimina Presents: Menstrual Adventure Corner educates people about menstrual cramps, PMS, menstrual poverty, menstrual shaming, and even menstrual sex… I think this should be in every school.

In the two weekends of " Mini Moonlight Market ", I started with KAVIN AROMA soap with good energy and Ayurveda as the main axis; Teen's Key X OneBite dialogue card produced by Qingyue, an organization supporting disadvantaged young women; The Lai Chi Wo where one of the heroines lives is good enough for the ginger mask produced by Jiang (yes, my booth is still talking about " Yuan Lu Shan Gao " haha), the old land said that it is good for both mind and body Satisfy.


Women's Day made with life

Before the end of the show, Sonia said that after six sharing sessions, she told her friends in the taxi (taxi) that her load was too great for her body to bear. However, she saw new and familiar faces return every year, sharing all kinds of women Pain and joy feel that the Women's Day made with life every year is valuable. Check out this wonderful interview and video from Sonia to learn more about the origin story of Women's Day.

And as I write this, I'm already looking forward to what the "Revolution" of next year's Women's Day will be like.


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