
從零開始學理財 什麼都不懂的我們,初出社會,被現實的世界牽著鼻子走,埋頭工作只求溫飽,但我們渴望掌握人生,追尋夢想,於是,讓自己從工作退休是我們的第一目標

How does everyone start investing?

Yesterday, I accidentally chatted with a colleague about investment-related topics. It has been a long time since I took the initiative to talk about investment and financial management. I was discussing the documents to be reported, the Tokyo Olympic Games a while ago, or other trivial matters in life.

The conversation was not long, just a few words, chatting about his recent investment troubles, the following is probably the content of the conversation between us:

 "Before, I paid to subscribe to an investment analyst. The website will update the latest investment articles every day to analyze the financial report and trend of a certain stock. I forced myself to read the article every day, but I didn't dare to buy it after reading it. I don't know which tranche to buy, and I'm also afraid that it will start to fall after I buy it, especially the recent trend is very bad, and I'm worried that I will be stuck."

This is exactly the predicament that the general novice investor will face. At the beginning, I also read books randomly, listened to the stocks recommended by others, and then started to buy. At that time, I didn’t understand the fundamentals and technical analysis, and I saw that the dividend rate was good. , and regardless of the current stock price, there is nothing to be afraid of buying directly. Looking back now, I am so brave, but fortunately, I am lucky. The first stock I held has not lost money so far.

Because of this, I want to write a beginner's investment guide for everyone's reference, so that everyone will not blindly place orders.

investment starter

Back to the topic, so how did everyone start investing? In my colleague’s situation, I feel it is a pity, I feel that he has the enthusiasm for learning, and he has read the article for a round, but he can’t put it into practice. Use, because even with a detailed analysis of individual stocks, it is futile without the relevant concepts of entry and exit .

However , analysts will not speak carefully about the key timing of entering and exiting the market, and no one dares to speak out. No matter how the explanation is wrong, no one is willing to mention the strategy of entry and exit, and the novices can only stand on the sidelines and watch the play, without the opportunity to participate.

In addition, my colleague mentioned that he spent money to subscribe to the e-newsletter that analyzes individual stocks. I think this is a good practice but it is also very risky, because it seems that my colleague has not yet been able to judge the authenticity of the information. All the analysis results, or even use this as the basis for investment, when the fundamentals of the selected target are reversed, it may be too late to get out before the e-newsletter is released.

There are many similar stock information sharing on the market, and the arrangement is quite complete. Regardless of whether you need to pay for it or not, I think each piece of information is worth taking as a reference. Maybe there are alternative investment ideas that can be discovered, or you can break your own analysis blind spots. But the premise is not to blindly follow, not to believe it easily as a famous brand , but to match your personal analysis logic, so that you can be assured and responsible for every investment you make, and no longer blame other people's famous brands.


Enthusiasm is a necessary mentality for investment, and all courses and materials need to be filtered and screened by themselves. Everyone has a different investment starting style. Later, I will also share a set of investment processes I have experienced. You are also welcome to leave a message below to share your investment starting style.


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