
一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:https://linktr.ee/Zioh

Woohoo, if you want to play, call me in the dance studio! Documenting the Ukrainian-Russian War

Can't do anything, just record, with a little blessing.

I believe most people know that Ukraine and Russia officially started war just two days ago, right? War was certainly not what we expected, but it happened.

After the incident, I really wanted to do something and say something, so I have this article. Maybe it doesn't have much substantive effect, and it's not bad to use it as a record.

Image credit: Michael Holmes Twitter https://twitter.com/holmescnn

😖 Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow?

After Ukraine and Russia went to war, many people were saying " Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow ". This can't help but remind me of " Hong Kong today, Taiwan tomorrow " when things happened in Hong Kong.

So I'm thinking, what kind of virtue and ability is Taiwan in the end, can you talk about Taiwan every time?

Is there really such a possibility that something will happen to Taiwan, and it will really be "ruled by martial arts"? Will it even trigger a "third world war"?

I want to make it clear first, I really don't understand these politics and wars very well, so I don't discuss them often. Some people say that Taiwan and China are separated by the Taiwan Strait, so it is not easy to be attacked, which is fortunate.

Maybe so, I guess I shouldn't panic too , it hasn't happened yet after all. But at the same time I also think, maybe prepare for the worst.

Therefore, here I intend to simply recommend two books: "What to Do When the Communist Party Calls, and the Code of Conduct for Little People in the Field"

  • 📚The first book, "What to Do When A Gong Calls"
Image source: blog from https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010911397

This book, like the title, is a book describing Taiwan and China, and what happens when the two sides fight. In the modern age when information on the Internet is popularized, with the so-called "information warfare", this book can help us clear some of the lost, and allow readers to re-understand the military situation of the country. If I remember correctly, there is an article on Matters recommending this book, if you are interested, please look for it (sorry I forgot, super casual XDDD).

By the way, the author of this book seems to have a personal topic in the square grid, so everyone who is interested is welcome to check it out.

  • 📚The second book, "Battlefield Action Code for Little People"
Image source: blog from https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010868410

This book is a reference book that introduces what happens in various wars, and also provides various survival methods to help ordinary people survive in wars.

Another major reason why I recommend this book is that the layout and editing of this book are very good , so that readers can quickly understand the theme of this page when reading, and the pictures are used to make readers better understand, and the reading experience is excellent.

After a short introduction, if you want to live, you might as well read these two books (of course, when "if" happens); of course, if your will to survive is not so strong, you feel that you can just let it go and die. It's also a kind of relief, that's okay, as long as you're happy.

Finally, a disclaimer, if you don't like it, but no one should take any responsibility, thank you.

💣 What can I do under war?

After Ukraine went to war with Russia, I thought about it for a long time, and I wanted to do something. But I thought about it and couldn't think of it.

I'm just a tiny human being, and I don't think I have any way to change the situation or even help anyone. I think all I can do is donate money and sincerely wish in my heart: " I hope that the innocent will not be hurt, and everyone will be safe and sound! "

Well, I know it's stupid, I'm just kidding myself! The war is over, who will be safe with you?

And I'm curious, under war, who is innocent and who is ruthless? Who is wise and who is foolish? Who is reasonable and who is unreasonable?

I don't know any of these questions. I only know that when I can sleep and sleep well, when I can eat and eat well, and when I can travel...

They're going to get caught up in the battlefield.

Image source: Meme stem map warehouse https://memes.tw/wtf?template=10374

👀 Lessons we can learn from history...

Every time this kind of thing happens, we often ask the question: " Can we really learn from history? "

And the world war has already happened twice, obviously there are precedents, but human beings did not stop there, and still went to war. Although there is less "physical warfare" now, I don't think the war will stop like this, and everyone will start "online warfare" . I think the war never stops, it just progresses with the times.

Now I can't understand, why I already know the outcome of things, war will never be good, even if good is based on the bad of others, but human beings still want war?

Maybe it 's the blind spot where you have a perspective, and you're dizzy? Or maybe it's because I can't fully empathize with them? I think the phrase "I don't know the real face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain " is very suitable to describe this situation.

I didn't understand it all the time, and in the end I just understood: "The only lesson we can learn from history is that we can never learn from history..."

Image source: Meme stem map warehouse https://memes.tw/wtf?template=2

At the end of the article, today I will not gossip or write too many concluding remarks (absolutely not that I can’t think of what to say), I just want to say:

😭 Woohoo, if you want to play, call me in the dance studio!

Image source: Meme stem map warehouse https://memes.tw/wtf?template=3554


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