
專職小說作者。出版過一百多本愛情小說,目前持續創作中。 你也可以每月支持我的創作>>https://liker.land/yeutorng/civic 加入我的專屬讚賞公民,讓創作有價。

About the PODCAST thing / the concept of active selection of broadcast topics

Whether active or passive communication is good or bad is really a question worthy of in-depth discussion and research.

The previous articles mentioned that the writers who had followed in those years ran to do PODCAST, and the theme was to discuss romance novels, whether it was the life of a writer or the content of the novel, it was all within the subject of the discussion.

In fact, I personally think that PODCAST is not a new thing. Simply speaking, it is the concept of turning on the radio and listening to the radio in the past. It used to be around and around, and what we can hear is what we can hear. Now, with PODCAST, we can browse the subject content beforehand. Let's see if we want to click on it to listen. Even, we can actively search for the topics we want to listen to or the broadcasters we want to listen to, that is, we become the so-called active audience.

In the previous cable TV, we could turn around with the remote controller and watch the channel we like to watch, but the broadcast time was still controlled by the channel, but now the network TV can be watched as you choose. You can watch it whenever you want, and you can look for what you want to see. It is not limited by time and space. Although you have the right to choose, the choice of the latter is completely autonomous, rather than being forced to choose within a limited range. Inner autonomy.

The concept of PODCAST is exactly the same. We don’t have to choose what we want to listen to in the limited radio stations, but we can go online to find the content we want to listen to at any time, whether it is using a mobile phone or computer, whether it is night or day, It can be said to be very free, but is such freedom really beneficial and harmless?

Instead of being forced to choose, we can diversify our vision and ideas in the process of being forced to look around. Some things that we didn’t know or never thought of coming into contact with may appear in front of us. Doesn’t active selection allow us to be limited by our own narrow vision?

Like if you haven't touched or heard of it, you will automatically skip it. Maybe there are treasures or beautiful scenery that we are interested in~~

Whether active or passive communication is good or bad is really a question worthy of in-depth discussion and research.


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越來越懶的寫正經八百的文,教學非我所長,只能閒話家常。 追劇追到快成了追劇女王,寫了一百多本小說的愛情女王,決定自己改名為追劇女王。 把圍爐改成「女王的追劇與寫作日常」(暫定名),這樣才可以亂亂寫,亂亂聊~~^^

