Caridee | 凱樂蒂的研究日誌
Caridee | 凱樂蒂的研究日誌

🌴從電影白日夢冒險王得到體悟,that keeps reminding me to keep my faith🌴熱衷有趣學習,因為才能打造有靈魂的人生🌴以研究者角度來分享閱讀共筆

<Modern Literature> People in my generation: A love letter to middle-aged people📙After reading

【brief introduction】

Middle age is the accumulation of years;
Adults, but it is the cultivation of life.

Middle-aged years are actually longer than imagined.
Where will we go from here?
Where will it be?

Middle age is the bearer of the family; middle age is the starting point of old age;
Middle-aged has the power to awaken; middle-aged love is sparkling and passionate;
Middle-aged can be accessible, free, and at ease; middle-aged is walking towards the ferry, looking for a boat—
That boat can cross the turbulent torrent of time,
Make us truly "adults".

Adults do not have to please others; do not have to reconcile with the world;
No longer waiting for success; no longer pursuing fame and fortune,
Because we do understand what really matters.
Wise, compassionate, meaningful;
The existence of "adults" should shine brightly.

【Kaletti's motivation for reading】

The die-hard fans who are chasing after the vulgar girl 2 must be familiar with the term "shiny adult". I rented this book by Mr. Zhang Manjuan by accident, and continued the emotions and feelings that I had just finished chasing the vulgar girl 2. Impact thinking, reading this book do not have a new harvest.

What do you think is an "adult"? In the preface, Mr. Zhang Manjuan shared the classic sentence of "The Great Entertainer" starring Hugh Jackman~

You don't need the whole world to love you, as long as a few good people love you, that's enough

It is generally believed that middle-aged = adults, and "adult learning" has become prominent in recent years. In fact, adult learning is synonymous with "aesthetics and life taste", but with the growth of digital age, the values that were once young are no longer pure and pure. , Changed to believe that reaching a higher status and having more things is what everyone sees as "success, victory in life, happiness".

I believe that many "adults" who think they have what they think are "success and happiness" have also suffered the regret that they cannot give up in the first half of their lives. Teacher Zhang Manjuan gives readers a good direction~

When people of my generation enter the second half of their lives, the most important thing to do is to reckon with and reconcile themselves. Those dark and broken parts of the soul may be caused by injury. The pain that cannot be declared has been carried for decades. It was not until middle age that I realized that no one will take off the shackles for us and bring salvation. The power we've been waiting for to release us from the abyss of pain is in us. -p7

After reading this book, I hope that in the future, I can become an adult who does not lose the heart of a child in the mouth of Mr. Zhang Manjuan~

Adults, who do not lose the heart of their children.
Still full of curiosity and enthusiasm for the world; willing to go into battle for ideals; have greater tolerance and empathy; giving and dedication to others is a happy thing. -p7

【Era of Independence】

In recent years, Japan's popular " departure marriage " refers to middle-aged couples who have fulfilled their responsibilities of raising children. Even if they have complained and begged for this marriage, they no longer want to go around other people's lives when they reach the second half of their lives. Circle, do not want to hide their true thoughts and desires, and do not want to swallow their voices, so the two parties keep the marriage contract, but they can each find their own life goals and restart a new life.

I guess if there will be a request for divorce, will the majority of women be women? Mothers are responsible for taking care of the family, first to parents-in-law, second to children and grandchildren, speaking plainly, living for others all their lives, maybe they don’t wake up until middle age, The willingness to listen to one's own heart, and the tossing and turning of thinking is the most enlightening , and can clarify " What do you want? What kind of life do you want? Who am I? What is the meaning of life? "

Teacher Zhang Manjuan pointed out that only after the mind is independent can one think about the meaning of life in the future . However, the meaning of one's own existence should have been seriously considered at the beginning of life (perhaps as early as 18 years old, maybe when entering a new stage of life), but even if you have the experience and courage to face it after middle age, it will not be the time. It's not too late, as long as you don't follow the crowd and don't depend on others, even if you wake up in middle age, it's the most precious gift to yourself!!

【Find Your Lost Self】Without yourself, you will become nothing

This is my favorite one!!!! I like Mr. Zhang Manjuan's calmness in the face of death~

After the age of 50, many unresolved things are gradually settled. I know that I will "old alone" in urban life, and then "die alone", but I am not afraid of loneliness, so I don't feel this way. is a tragic thing. -p63

Have you found the keyword of this passage? It's "myself" !!!!!!

Envy what others have, but forget that you are unique; worldly pressure and public opinion make it difficult for people to "be yourself", because you have to accept the question from others that "if you want to be yourself, it doesn't matter if you hurt others?" .

Teacher Zhang Manjuan said very bluntly, what kind of beast is "self"? Does being loyal to oneself will definitely hurt others?

Mammy Yueying from The Story of Raising a Laid Girl 2 proposed a shock bomb. She wanted to move out. No one in the family knew the meaning behind this sentence. Even the neighbors came to the house to discourage Mama Yueying from divorcing her grandpa (?)

Reprinted from CATCHPLAY

However, Grandma Yueying participated in a singing competition in the first season of Lazy Girls. The theme song was "Pure Youth Dream". Although she was insufferable, she sang with sincerity and sincerity, because it was her dream. Wanting to get rid of the traditional values imposed on herself, she wants to live out herself , because "check someone has their own wishes"~

Taken from the story of the development of a common girl 2

When Grandma Yueying was alone with herself, I saw that she seemed to be back in her teenage years. She could eat tomato scrambled eggs and eat a large piece of cake unscrupulously from her childhood memories. Peace and belonging "!!

Taken from the story of the development of a common girl 2

To be yourself is to stop pretending to be someone else's expectations. Do things well in the way you are good at, you don't have to cater to others, you don't have to wrong yourself, and use your inner strength to love your true self. -p73

🎵Kaletti's haunts【 MediumMattersSquare Grid 】

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