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Do you know that it is also an infringement to cover or adapt a song by yourself?

Sharing good songs is a good thing, but there are a lot of eyebrows to pay attention to.

An article shared yesterday caused a heated discussion among everyone. The key point is that sharing other people's works by typing is a copyright infringement. The same concept is also an infringement if you put other people's music into your own work without authorization.

Today, after being tagged by @seasons, I suddenly thought of the story that I accidentally learned that the author had accidentally infringed because of reading a book. For the detailed story, you can refer to the author's original text . The brief description is that after hearing a good song, I used a guitar to adapt the video and record it. After the public broadcast, there were some infringement problems.

Are covers and adaptations of songs a violation of copyright?

The well-known export water song albums, concerts singing songs of other singers, etc. all require the authorization of the copyright owner. If you publish a pop song sheet music, you need to obtain authorization for each song before publishing, otherwise there will be a violation of copyright.

Can I put a video of someone else's song on YouTube or IG?

From the above link, we can see that as long as the audible songs are uploaded to the Internet for viewing and listening without consent and authorization, there is a problem of infringement. Some people around me have even asked that the chords of only one song should be used for publicity. Is it possible to teach? The lawyer's response is that as long as you can hear which song it is, it counts as infringement!

So I quickly hid the article I sang a cappella in Matt City recently. Although it was a cappella, the unauthorized recording was uploaded for people to read, and there was also a problem of violating the right of public output. Sometimes many things really started at the beginning. They all want to share with joy, but the result is a result of extreme happiness and sadness. (The story in the second paragraph of this article can be verified)

Finally, I would like to add a follow-up to the article I shared yesterday. After intermittent discussions yesterday and today, we originally decided that the initiator would set up a group to establish a reading club. As a result, the initiator was probably afraid that he had announced the weekly opening of the book club. I’m sorry for the temporary cancellation of the promise of the book club, and said that the original intention was to let people who don’t have time to read books know this information and be rescued (I think this sentence is strange, because the work of others is shared, not My own!), and finally asked me if it was not an infringement as long as I didn't miss a word? (Crooked waist! It's really reluctant to give up!)

The mood of sharing good things with good friends is indeed positive, and because it will violate legal issues, it is really disappointing, but from another standpoint, if we are creators and see our works being arbitrarily used by many people, Will we be happy? Or do you feel your rights have been compromised?


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