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Why did I leave? Is it bad to be a medical examiner?

2016 European Tour

 October 31, 2020. Look carefully today, it's not only 6 years since I graduated from school! I graduated in 2013, and it has been 7 years since I graduated! He stayed in the same hospital for 6 years and worked in the unit he resigned for 5 years. Not too often, not too short. I left the hospital at the end of June this year, and it has been 4 months now. For the past four months, I have been doing severance and separation.... I have also been thinking about giving up such a rare in the hospital, and I can almost live a pure daily medical examination life like a public official. Would it be a pity?

But I was so tired in the past days.

As long as you stay in this hospital, other places are heaven at all

This is what the manufacturer told me.

On the surface, I am doing something purely technical, and I don’t need to use my brain after getting started, but in fact, we all use ourselves as machines, and use time to calculate the amount that a person should do in an hour. However, medical examiner’s manual calculation However, it is calculated by the ratio of the number of hospital beds, just like the nurses. This is very unreasonable! Because in addition to inpatients, a large number of samples from outpatients also require medical examiners to check . It's hard for me to describe how heavy it is, but the workload of one person in this hospital is 2-3 times that of other hospitals. The only badge I got is that everyone in the industry knows that the big hospital in downtown Taichung is very durable! As long as you have stayed there, the workload elsewhere is simply paradise, or you can say it is living in retirement (laughs).

Everyone has occupational injuries more or less. For example, my right shoulder will have a dull pain. As long as I stop exercising, I will get electrotherapy and heat compresses from the rehabilitation department. Otherwise, I will wake up in the middle of the night with dull pain. And this symptom began to have the root cause three months after starting work and exercise. However, the only employee benefit that the hospital is proud of is that doctors usually only pay for self-paid items or a fraction of the basic amount, so I have really used up the health insurance these years! (▲ Warning: Please cherish medical resources )

Chinese medicine , gynecology , gastroenterology , and rehabilitation are the places I report most often; ophthalmology and otolaryngology , unless there are acute symptoms, it is faster to go to an external clinic;

Having said that, didn't you know before you came in?

Yes, if you want to stay in an urban area with decent salaries, we don't have as many options as Taipei, when the salaries in other industries in the central part were horrible. In addition, when we graduated, we were experiencing 24k for medical examiners in small localities (the extra 2k is because of your license allowance). Large hospitals start from 150 yuan per hour (even if you graduated from National Taiwan University in medical technology, the central area is like this) . Among all kinds of medical personnel, our status is one of the lowest, but the scores of medical related departments are the highest.

After slowly fighting for it, I began to have a basic starting salary of 32K, plus performance bonuses and three-section bonuses plus year-end red envelopes . For graduates, the salary is really good. After all, my only wish is for life to settle down.

The heavy work was able to survive, except that the mutual support of my partners allowed me to go through the first half of my life, and the second half was because I didn’t want to lose. It was a self-aware experience, but I am very grateful for the many shocks that made me know myself.

I used to dream that I have a lot of things to do

Even now, I can do those mechanical tasks without a brain, and occasionally have dreams of being late for work, not finishing work, or broken machines.

In the past, I only paid attention to the time when I went to work. If I didn’t complete the required amount in one hour, I had to swallow the jujube at noon. When you are busier, relying on Zhen milk to pass the noon is probably the norm for many medical personnel; at work, everyone will quarrel about the content, or who is too slow to drag whom? Who is responsible for machine failure? There are also a group of girls who need to pay attention to the eyebrows. After work, in addition to draining the energy, you only want to eat and drink with NETFLIX, short or do nothing.

The white giant tower of a hospital will affect the operation and resources of a department. As long as it is a large company, it may have the same political struggle, but is it appropriate for such a corporate culture to be placed in the medical industry?

The corporate culture of the hospital is short-sighted and bureaucratic. Under the beautiful appearance, everyone knows how to squeeze out the cost down. You can attribute it to the development of such a profit model by the health care system. I have heard manufacturers say that the performance of management centers and procurement comes from the cost down. This is unproven , but it explains many phenomena. For example, our consumables are getting worse and worse, and we used to wear gloves just after wearing them. it. For example, several salary adjustments were raised, but the management center blocked them at the last minute. For example, when we bought stainless steel clips for specimens, if we applied for 20 clips, we would add one for each person on average. In the end, it was cut down to 5 such outrageous numbers. The reason for replying to us is that you still have existing clips! (We bought it more than 10 years ago, and even we were too lazy to wait for the purchase to find the manufacturer to buy it by ourselves). If it is not inspected Body contamination leads to medical disputes, so maybe they don't want us to buy those 5 at all!
Of course, if today you are in a money-making department, such as a medical check-up or a confinement center, the equipment is as good as it gets!

Not only that

Compared with other places, the medical industry is more ethical, class, and patriarchal. Of course, there are also women in power, but like all women in important positions, the same height will always require more effort and sacrifice than men. and not understood. The appearance of a standard male doctor depends on the mayor of Taipei; while the younger ones, some are more able to hide, but they feel that women are emotional and troublesome creatures, and it is better to find men to hold important positions. few. Give up your illusions about doctors! Another day, I can write about a creature like a male doctor.

Continuing to build landmarks and increase branch offices, we are all obliged to share the workload.

We have many branches, and we help them with inspections on weekdays. According to a senior who was assigned to the construction laboratory of the branch, when the Hsinchu branch first started, all the consumables were sent from the main hospital to the branch on the same day . The equipment is also sent back and forth in this way. Everyone laughed and said that it was no different from a field hospital, but outsiders would not know because we made it very beautiful . All inspections were also sent back to the General Hospital, which lasted for more than a year until they were officially returned to them in August this year. Also, for nearly half a year, as long as the sister hospital in Wufeng was short of manpower, it was a matter of course to throw all the specimens back to the general hospital, which was also one of the burdens.

And the timing of our report remains at the same level. But our salaries were not compensated for this. Yes, the hospital wants us to get through this difficult time together . However, we have seen from the news that this hospital relies on the medical industry to earn the first profit. How ironic.

What will our public (worker) do?

Sorry, I really can't tell the difference between the two. 2020 should be the best opportunity for us to exist , because the virus testing is done by medical examiners , but our sense of existence is not as good as that of the Pharmacists Guild, which is willing to cooperate with the government to distribute masks. The press conference is a big one. Of course, every role is very important during the epidemic . Everyone really admires the Pharmacist Guild from the bottom of their hearts. They can build a sense of presence and improve their professional status.

Can't help but look back and see, what will our medical examiner (worker) do?

[ Distribution of transparent isolation goggles ] The following diagram

The small gift of gratitude that each medical examiner gets is not as good as the epidemic allowance for nurses XD

Not to mention that the government recently plans to open the door so that other departments can also take the national examination for medical examiners and serve as medical examiners. How much depreciation is required for this profession to come up with this trick? The number of our graduates has always been large, and we are reluctant to enter the workplace because our professional status and salary are not proportional to our workload!

Hospital evaluation and inspection of quality indicators are what we need to do. Basically, in addition to a lot of work, participating in external ability tests, reading journals and giving briefings are also part of the training. People with better academic qualifications or those with higher CP values have already jumped out one after another. The rest are people whose personality likes to be stable and indisputable.

I don't want to lose my enthusiasm, this is my biggest reason to quit

Most of the workload can be prepared mentally; if the environment is not good, you can change it slowly, but it is time to burn this career with your own health or enthusiasm.

I began to think that I didn’t want to be in this environment for the rest of my life . About two years ago, a group of colleagues who worked hard together left one by one, and I was still trapped in the feeling that I didn’t make any progress. I did achieve what I came in for: a stable life . But it has reached the professional ceiling.

So I started looking for what I wanted to learn. I went to learn to swim, started one-on-one English, started to get used to going to a yoga center, anyway, I went to class whenever I wanted to, and started watching a lot of career-related or thinking about life. books.

I don't know what I'm looking for, but I want to leave with confidence one day. And when I started to realize that I had to leave , I started to realize that I didn't find and solve problems like I used to. I have the same mentality as all the old butts, I just want to push things out. Anyway, I don’t make more money and no one will appreciate it. I dig holes in each other or endure it to see who can’t stand it first, although most of the time it’s me who can’t stand it first.

But it's not me! I just turned 30 and I'm not married, am I going to continue like this?

Standing at thirty may be for the young and successful. Too bad I'm not. Watching friends can put in work and don't care about money status V.S watching seniors who sprint career and get a lot of money. I'm very confused, who doesn't want to have the ability and financial resources to buy a house? It’s a lie to say that you don’t care about money. After all, there are certain goals in the standard of living you want, but I’m still groping. I just want to find a career that can balance passion and money.

Repeated rehab is also very boring. It happened to be one person + one thing, which was regarded as a resignation, and finally left without looking back at all. If I don’t have this motivation, I’m afraid I’d still be timid. I feel that such a life is not bad. Even if I don’t have the prospect of making a lot of money, it’s still a title in the marriage market (?!)

I'm still figuring out my future and my career, give me a little more time

After resigning, it wasn't until these few days that I woke up a bit from the past, vigilant and fearful. The perception ability became obvious, and the head began to keep turning. My skills are not like a lot of people who quit as a freelancer. The day after I quit, I started working as an assistant in my office at home. My salary is flat at most, and I can't buy luxury goods like before (such as iphone 12). I am still lucky. This is another time to give yourself a breather and not have to worry to survive for a while.

I also thought about getting another license to work at home, but I am currently in a period of inactivity, and I ask my family to give me a little more time to think.

Write and write, help the family business to build a website, try other things that have not been tried before, and make some decisions that are contrary to the previous ones, sort out what you have done in the future, and then share them well.

in conclusion

I made a promise to write a lot of stories today. I'm afraid I won't do it in the future. XD Usually I achieve my goals, I didn't plan them on purpose, and sometimes I look back and realize that I did! Especially having your goals written down in person does help the completion rate. Write about 10 to complete 6-7.

I think work is an experience, and what others think is good or bad is their opinion. There are many questions and persuasion I faced when I shouted everywhere that I wanted to leave. It is undeniable that the job of medical examiner is for women, the elders think that such a salary is enough, find a man to marry! Because such a title mother-in-law will like, and stable! The feminism inside me would ring a bell. It is true that many girls get married and have children one after another after a stable salary and work in the hospital, but it feels strange to rely on men to be rich or to afford a home.

In fact, up to now, I instead hope that I figured it out earlier, started a business, and achieved financial freedom or something (?) But maybe it's just like facing myself like now, getting along with anxiety, and earnestly exploring to find what I really like. It's the way to go! ? I don't know, I don't really have a conclusion yet.

Just hope my mindfulness can last. (laugh)


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