
毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。

Perth Diary 161: Which social environment is right for you?

I don’t remember whether I have written about this topic before, but after living in Australia for a long time, especially after three years of getting along with foreigners in the Philippines, I have a more real understanding of human nature.

In fact, people all over the world are the same, because everyone is human, but the expression of the relationship between people without the bondage of interpersonal relationships will be more direct and naked. The ties between colleagues, relatives and friends.

However, in different environments, the gap between people in different places is only in proportion. The mainstream influence of the larger environment will affect the way of thinking of most people, making it difficult for niche people to survive, especially in places that do not pay attention to the expression of individual rights , LGBT is difficult to be accepted, and bloody people will also be labeled as ignorant of current affairs, when they want to pursue freedom, and break free from the shackles of responsibility given by the so-called traditional culture, they are even more called rebellious.

So such an environment is oppressive and restrictive.

In a relatively relaxed humanistic environment, any different voices have the opportunity to express themselves, to speak for the people they belong to, and to fight for a living space, but such an environment will indeed cause problems, but the problem is a social problem. In other words, everyone will have a relatively free living space.

In the end, we can’t control what others do. As long as our rights and interests can be expressed, it is enough to maintain the most basic space required for individual survival.

This is the most fundamental difference between different systems.

But this is only the difference under the system, and because everyone belongs to the same category of human beings, the common weaknesses of human beings, the way of sublimation of ideas, and the pursuit of life goals are unified, such as the yearning for freedom and the search for happiness. To overcome the weaknesses of human beings, you need to be mature enough in thinking before becoming a parent, so that you can give your children a valuable starting line.

Just as each individual’s family of origin has different influences on the individual, people born in different regions and under different traditional cultural backgrounds also have completely different ways of thinking.

This is more like everyone is implanted with different operating system architectures, some people are x86 systems, some people are arm systems, when everyone calculates the same mathematical formula, the way of calculation (thinking) is very different, although The end result should be the same, but the time it takes is worlds apart.

If the instinct of all animals is to pursue freedom, happiness, and individual development in the end, then under the influence of different traditional cultures, the time to understand may vary greatly in different regions.

Then, in the context of the pursuit of freedom, it will help the individual to move forward with the ultimate goal.

And the cultural background that advocates restricting the free development of individuals will only have the opportunity and the courage to gain enough understanding, break free from the shackles, and start to truly move towards the goal shared by mankind.

In particular, you need to think critically, to reflect on yourself, to admit your own problems, to admit that the environment has given you the wrong reflection on the initialization procedure, and to admit that you have the courage to go through a long detour in the past many years. You need to be down-to-earth, Let go of all past superiority and start over with confidence.

These requirements will filter out a considerable number of people. Maybe our close relatives, our close friends, our partners, and our brothers will all be screened out, and we who begin to awaken and begin to realize the direction of our life goals must be able to Against all odds, going against the trend is really difficult for individual requirements.

Compared with those who were born in a relatively loose environment, it is obvious that we are born with a lot of weaknesses. Only when we start to have a strong heart can we have the ability to break free.

But as I mentioned, the common weaknesses of human beings will never change. When we, the people who have been screened, have overcome all difficulties and have the advantages mentioned above, we have come to the living environment of the latter, and we already have a strong Competitive advantage, because people living in a simple environment, if they are placed in the environment where we were born, not all difficulties can be overcome and the influence of the original family in the traditional cultural environment cannot be overcome.

The acquisition of personality advantages will be reflected in all aspects of life, reflected in work enthusiasm, reflected in the quality of the circle of friends, and reflected in the education of children. When you are still in it, you do not have the courage to break free. At times, you will just complain that you were born at the wrong time. When you finally break free from everything and understand that everything happened for a reason, you will be grateful for all the past setbacks for tempering you and making you a better person.

But the outbreak of this critical point is the key .

There are also many people who, driven by the spirit of comparison, and with the help of their own family's superior environment, easily come to the place that many people dream of, and choose to return, also because they are not loyal to their hearts. When choosing, they do not know where the differences between the two completely different social systems and living environments lie, and whether they cherish the most.

Some people cannot survive in a lonely environment. They need to be surrounded by crowds to obtain short-term contrasting happiness through their external superiority. Only with the help of relatives can you feel happy.

But life is destined to be a lonely journey. Everyone around us: parents, children, spouses, friends, colleagues, all will leave us, and only our hearts and our bodies will accompany us throughout our lives. It is to choose to force yourself to become mature and strong, or you will be forced to a dead end by life and passively learn to be strong, but there are also countless people who have been unable to gain the ability to change due to their thinking.

But life is fair. To reach mental maturity, all detours are necessary, and everyone will pay for their choices.


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