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Fables|The Great Treasure

A Zang is an adventurous person. One day, he received a business card on the road, so he came to the address on the business card.

When I entered the house, it was pitch black inside.

Mysterious character: "Welcome to the contestants, if you can complete all the tasks within the time, you can take the treasure chest and get out of here, if you don't complete it within the time, you will die."

So A Zang began a series of tasks.

Finally, it's all done.

After Ah Zang opened the treasure chest, there was no money or jewelry in it.

just one ordinary thing

Azang: "Are you kidding me?"

Mysterious character: "Aren't precious memories a treasure?"

After hearing this, Ah Zang carefully looked at the contents of the treasure chest and began to cry bitterly.


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