
莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波

Ability to work

Generally speaking, the person with more workload is the person with stronger working ability.

In the work environment, supervisors and colleagues always evaluate each person's work ability.

Generally speaking, the person with more workload is the person with stronger working ability.

Bosses or supervisors will always unconsciously hand over some tasks that they think are important to people who can do it well. As a result, the stronger the work ability, the greater the workload, the lower the work ability and the less workload, because the boss or supervisor Almost every job is important.

So, no matter how big or small, whether it's related or not, it's handed over to those who think they have the ability to work. This way, the boss or supervisor will feel at ease that even if something goes wrong, someone will be able to take responsibility and be held accountable.

People with strong work ability are mostly masters of time management. They can or are forced to perform multiple tasks at the same time. They also need to balance work and personal life, and they need to cultivate interests, otherwise they will be trapped by work.

Of course, with strong working ability, there will also be busy times and sleepless times, but the work at this time is completely a challenge and a key to victory, not a task that is forced to participate and cannot be accepted. The difference between "desiring to do well" and "unwilling to do it".

However, a strong ability to work quickly and well may not be rewarded and respected, especially in a work environment where the boss or supervisor is not astute, and the colleagues or subordinates are not doing their best.

They will misunderstand that long working hours means a lot of workload and strong working ability. However, it may actually be due to low working ability, long working hours, laziness, or problems with time allocation. Of course, it is also because the boss or supervisor always assigns work suddenly when they leave work, or it may be that colleagues or subordinates finish their work before leaving work, but it has nothing to do with the length of work and ability to be in charge.

Because, they only think that work is fast, not because of efficiency but because they are not serious; work is good, not because of hard work but because the work is simple. As a result, they began to be picky and difficult, until they met their so-called standard: that is, the workload is large, the working hours are long, and the work is completed before the other is done. They don't know that this is not actually improving work ability. On the contrary, it is just continuously increasing the burden, setting restrictions, and turning people into the same model, rather than encouraging healthy competition, improving work efficiency, and making good use of talents.

Take a look at your work environment, how is your ability to work? Can it be restricted everywhere, and it is difficult to achieve aspirations? Or at peace, with no desires and no desires? Or do you like to tell people right and wrong, and hate people to work hard? Can you use your abilities, or do you want to hide your abilities?


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