
莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波

Right and wrong

In a world where there is no absolute, there is no absolute wrong.

For the sake of convenience, it is mistaken to believe that sticking to one's own opinion is the most direct solution.

Because of self-confidence, I mistakenly think that overpowering others is the most effective way of expressing.

With skill, there is truth.

If someone supports it, they think the truth is correct.

In fact, there is no absolute in the world, and in a world without absolute, there is no absolute wrong.

In the gray area between right and wrong, leaning towards right is not right, and leaning towards wrong is not wrong.

Perhaps, right and wrong are just a pre-determined assumption, just an identification in the process of finding right and wrong.

In order to be right, it may be wrong.

Thought it was wrong, but could be right.

There is no clear right and wrong between black and white, and there is no world where right and wrong are clearly defined.

Seeing people wandering between right and wrong is not to find right or wrong, but to use wrong as right and right as wrong by making the right and wrong unclear and inconclusive.

Right and wrong, right and wrong.

Here there is only arbitrary, no scientific proof, but one reason after another, self-righteous reason.

There is no opposition between right and wrong here. Some conclusions are complementary to each other.

Right and wrong are constantly reincarnating.


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