

Towards a bright future with joy

People know to stabilize their hearts when they are sliding down, why bother to smash their troubles into pain, it is their own body and mind who are affected

The fire went out, the night was like a tidal wave, swept in, and even the bright colors were drowned and became cloudy. After a few hours, the bedroom was silent, my eyes were closed, and my heavy head dragged me into a dark dream. The baby's shrill cry, and the breasts slowly flowed out white milk in an instant, the whole chest was hard and painful, someone whispered in my ear, "The child is depressed, you can't be a hard-hearted person, you have to be patient to dredge and let go. Soft ." I held the crying baby, breastfeeding gently, the child's face was full of joyful smiles, I smiled and said to the child, "Sad nightmares will come to an end, I will give you a source of joy , give you a clean future." The child gave me a laugh in return, and I laughed too, and the two embraced happiness.

There was a sudden silence all around, and white smoke came out. I tried to get out of the foggy place, but ran to the school. The male teacher said to me, "Go back to class quickly." I went straight back to the classroom, and the male classmate sat on my desk and chair. , his things are everywhere, there are a few books in the drawer, I can't get close to his sundries, I have to take a detour, how to go to class, I suddenly remember that important textbooks are still left in other classrooms, and I can't Following the teacher's understanding and learning, I paused at this time. Others were overwhelmed with emotions, so I forced myself to go sideways. If there is no moral code, how can you get out of a difficult life .

As soon as I turned around, I lost my balance and slipped into another space. I hurriedly crawled out. There was my mother-in-law kneeling down on the hillside step by step. I asked in doubt, "What are you doing?" She pointed to the grave on the mountain and whispered. , "I'm comforting the dead." I said with a cracked smile, "Everyone is dead, and everything you do is in vain." She looked at me and said in a relieved tone, "Then why do you want to Torture yourself, the past has been buried in the soil, why are you still holding back.” My heart pondered for a while, why should I worry about irrelevant people, it is better to live happily and run towards beauty with joy 's future .

In a blink of an eye, there was a truck in front of me that was rolling backwards and down the slope. I hurriedly moved a stone to jam the tire. The man beside me shouted, "How did you hit your foot with a stone?" How come there is a stone on the top, and it still hurts, only to think that people know to stabilize their hearts when they slide down, why bother to smash pains with troubles, it is their own body and mind that is affected .

Photo by Raul Angel on Unsplash


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