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How to learn quickly without learning in vain? Effective learning system to help permanent memory method!

We have forgotten all about learning before. There must be a problem with the learning system. We always have myths about learning...

Think back to what you learned in middle school after work, but can't remember? Can't use it?

My colleague saw that I was good at math and asked curiously:

"What did you learn about mathematics in middle school, did you learn it more deeply?"

When I think about it, I can't say anything!

Not only I can't think of what I've learned in mathematics, but other subjects and the application of my current job are also derailed! Is there something wrong with my studies? Or my memory is degraded!

It seems that I need to strengthen this part of learning, so I will find out how to study effectively! How can we make learning fun, useful, and quick to learn?

learning myths

In the title of the book: <<Superspeed Learning>>, two major myths are mentioned

Myth 1: Repeated learning strengthens memory

Study Myths A test Which type of person do you think has better test scores?

A: Review unlimited numbers

B: Review once

C: Free to recall

Which one is better? Usually guess A, the answer is C

Isn't it better to watch it several times? A tester thinks that he remembers, will, and does not become a long-term memory in his mind because of repeated viewing, while C because of recall, friction occurs in his mind, and the pain makes the brain feel that the forgotten thing is important and strengthens the memory.

 Friction pain strengthens memory, replaces silent reading and passive learning

Myth 2: There are shortcuts to learning, and learning the key points is better than learning quickly!

When I was in middle school, everyone asked people with good grades how to study and if they could borrow notes! But after reading the notes, why didn't you get a high score? You will say, "I'm not smart, I can't read!"

 There are shortcuts to learning, and the focus of fast learning should be to understand the key learning methods of this note, not to simplify the learning content!

Why do I always fail to learn?

Have you ever wondered if the learning mode system is missing?

Learning Mode System
  1. If you don't need to learn, add [preset]

Learning is fun, but you can’t use it after you finish it because you didn’t write down your learning goals, write down your motivation for learning, and preset application scenarios after learning, where you will use what you have learned!

If you want to find a designer job, then you will definitely use Illustrator software. In order to find this job smoothly, you need to learn Illustrator, so Illustrator learning preset scenes is to apply in future work

2. How to apply after learning [Coherence Method]

Unfamiliar things make you do not want to touch them. If you don’t touch them for a long time, you will not dare to touch them, because you don’t know where to start. Use the coherence method to operate the things you have learned first. During the operation, you will feel stuck. After reviewing the knowledge points of the card, you found new problems, but you have mastered it better than the previous operation.

In the master of ceremonies training, we pay more attention to the fact that you come on stage to rehearse an event in front of the students, rather than watching how the teacher does the master of ceremonies in the audience. This place can speed up your learning effect and reduce the fear of not speaking on stage!

Do you know what learning is for?

Also know how to get started?

So how can you not forget what you have learned?

You also need to keep [recalling] in your brain!

Looking back to let us know which parts are forgotten, which you have learned, forgetting makes our brain feel pain, causing friction, strengthening the forgotten parts, generating new memory cells to combine, and sending them into the long-term memory block of the brain!

Eighty percent of the learning system has been completed here. Finally, you have to test whether you are really learning or fake learning ?

True Learning Verification: [Feynman Technique]

Share what you have learned with your friends, if those who don't know can understand it, it means you have mastered it, and you cannot explain one thing clearly, it means that you are in logic, understanding, and expression. Inconsistent, in constant sharing, things that reinforce your learning are in the blood!

We all want to learn effectively, think carefully about why we need to learn, set goals, preset application scenarios, and constantly apply rehearsal to allow us to learn knowledge and learn it thoroughly!

I don't know what annoys you the most while studying?


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