
用文字留下我看書痕跡,記錄我下班生活 陪你精讀一本書,一起品書,一起成長,讓你自己成為百看不厭的書

Don't take reading as noble, think in a simple way

Do you really know how to read free books?

In the past, I didn’t like to read books when I was studying. When people gave me books, I would fall asleep before I could read 3 pages.

Reading has two effects on me

  1. is my personal hypnotist
  2. It's a free and harmless sleeping pill

Sophomore year of college

I really want to make money, but the classes are full and I don’t have much time to work. One day after class, I walked through the library and passed the book return office. Next to the manual book return office, there were books to be returned. I saw a book named <<Poor Rich Dad >> I was attracted by the title of the book, and I borrowed it to read it. It was the first time I read a book without sleeping. After that, I started to read, and gradually I read less than ten books a year, and now I read at least 50 books a year. This book, listening to 20 storytelling audios and watching 50 storytelling videos, I can’t call it a love of books, I like to read

everyone likes [happiness]

The only easy happiness that everyone can have easily is reading books

Reading books can improve your cognitive level

There is always a book in one's life that can move you, inspire you, and accompany you for the rest of your life.

someone once said

A person is a book, a life experience is a script, each person has his own story, and it is an autobiographical book. Knowledge and experience add to the richness of your book. Readers talk and do things differently.

welcome to my blog

I'm Pishuhuang (the king of writing books), just call me Pizi

I want to use words to leave the traces of my reading, record my life after get off work, and write the books I read into articles to help you choose books, accompany you to read them intensively, and taste books together. Of course, I also record the bits and pieces of my get off work, I The bits and pieces of this book may give you a little harvest, let us become a book that you never get tired of reading

In this vast Internet, you pass by my blog, I use a song by Jay Chou to arrange the lyrics

Can you give me time without a song,

Just turn strangers into friends.

Subscribe to me, my friend your book companion ^^


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