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Peace of mind, peace of mind

Last week, I was in charge of the incense lamp. In addition to cooking rice, lighting the lamp, putting incense, and arranging the scriptures, I also had to open the hearth every day.

The open hearth is to grind the incense ashes from the incense burner. You can only grind it gently and lightly, and you need enough concentration to make the incense ash smooth.

In the last article, I wrote about looking for a teacher. Later, I kept recalling several noble people who had appeared in my life. I just received a call from my boss today, so let's talk about this little strong brother first.

Bro.Little Strong

Boss Xiaoqiang used to be an internet celebrity writer that I admired, but now he has become my boss, and he often calls me "little girl". For my first character interview, he pointed out my weaknesses, suggested areas that could be improved, and gave me good advice.

After listening to the guidance of experts, I nodded my head like garlic, and I was grateful, because no one had taught me to write articles so carefully. Before hanging up the phone, the other party affirmed my writing and said to me, "Come on, come on", I... will continue to work hard. (clenched fist, moved ing...)

Gard, I'm Carol

There is another noble person, the boss I met at the beginning of the TV station, Xu Jiade.

I remember one day after the shooting of the live show, I stayed because of the night shift. How could I know that half of the output of the program was in trouble and could not be broadcast. I was so scared that I hurriedly called the producer who was on my way home.

Because I was too nervous, I forgot that no one on the TV station knew my foreign name, but as soon as I opened my mouth, I introduced myself and said: Jia De, I am Carol... The other party listened and gave me instructions calmly. I heard her call my foreign name, Carol.

One day, Jiade decided to let me try to record the narration of the program, so she called me into the office. Like a teacher teaching students to read, she asked me to read it to her, and she corrected my pronunciation. At that time, my heart was full of emotion and gratitude (He De He Neng, he was actually taught by the anchor himself~ Yes, it was as passionate as a little fan meeting an idol).

Later, I also discovered that this is impossible to meet, because the pace of the TV station is very tight, and not many people will have the patience to teach you slowly. After the show went out, I switched to the news group and heard from the boss of the news department: Gard highly recommends you...

Although my career in TV was not long, the people I met on this trip were enough to change the second half of my life.

Peace of mind, peace of mind, this is what the open hearth taught me. Grind again and again, don't be afraid to start all over again, as long as you have more experience, practice makes perfect. When I master the skills and have a skill, I can rely on myself in the future (more reliable than relying on a man). This is what my boss taught me.


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