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Book love. Used books

Have you ever bought used books? Maybe I should ask first, do you like to read? Do you like to buy books?

When I was in elementary school, I was a librarian and loved a collection of hand-drawn storybooks on the shelf. So every time I come home from school, I rush to finish my homework, just so that I can quickly flip through the hand-painted books I borrowed and immerse myself in a dreamy and wonderful fairy tale.

Until I went to middle school, I studied science, and my grades in chemistry and physics were extremely poor. Only liberal arts was considered the best in the class. Every time the bell rang during the lunch break, I would go to the library to take a dip. The school library is in another old building. There are several big trees next to it for shade. It feels a little hidden and strangely dark. Standing in the corridor and opening the door, the air-conditioning rushed in, the smell of books was mixed in the air, and every cell in the body was suddenly refreshed. Without thinking, I walked to the well-ordered, old bookshelves and searched for my favorite books. In those years, I was reading literature books.

After graduation, I saved money by working part-time, and I still love to go to the bookstore. When traveling, whether it is Taiwan or China, I go to bookstores, and I wish I had more space in my suitcase, so I could pack a bunch of books and go home. Waiting for the flight at the airport, flipping through the books at the book stand, and then buying a few books that cannot be bought in China is the best choice to kill time. Even if the backpack is full and the book can only be carried in my hand, I still enjoy it.

Gradually, the books piled up at home began to increase. In addition to textbooks, they also included literature, religion, novels, prose, travel notes, picture books and so on. Although my mother specially made a bookcase for our four brothers and sisters to store books when we were studying, and my father also transformed the shutters in my room into bookshelves, but the number of books is always increasing, and the place is always considered not big enough.

Two years ago, I left the capital and moved back to my hometown. At that time, I moved back a box of books. While tidying up the room, I began to think seriously, is it time to make a separation? So, I decided to sell second-hand books to make room for the room, (this way, I can lick and buy new books in a grand manner, haha... This is also what I discovered later, I can't quit buying books at all!)

With the progress of the times, e-books are becoming more and more popular, if you want to save space, this will be the best choice. However, the love of traditional books, especially the tactile feel of turning a page, I always think is the most difficult to replace. After some sorting, many books have been screened out and sold as second-hand books. These books have accompanied me, nourished me, and enriched my soul in my growing years; however, rather than put them on the shelf, it is better to let The circulation of books can be transferred to the hands of other owners, and the books can still exert their value.

So, I opened a second-hand bookstore online and joined the second-hand book group. Besides selling books, I was also buying books. It’s just like Taobao in the virtual space, and occasionally find a rare old book, or a good book with half the price, just like a child’s gashapon twisting to a favorite toy person, happily placing an order and waiting The owner of the book sends the book home.

Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash


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