
馬來西亞90後 喜歡寫日常

What did you do for three years in college?

This is a rare and well-documented record.

1) Learn to swim (please see College Students Learn to Swim at University )

2) Swim the Olympic pool without stopping

3) Run a lap of the track without stopping

4) Night run

5) Don’t be ashamed to eat by yourself

6) Braces (see Orthodontics at 22 and I Didn't Spend Your Money )

7) Scuba diving

8) Freediving (please watch me go freedive )

9) Surf

10) Donated blood three times (see Donating Blood )

11) Found that red wine is pretty good

12) Dyed my hair four times

13) Learn to edit video

14) beach cleanup many times

15) Feed the cat

16) Seeing turtles for the first time (please see 5 cute knowledge about returnees ), touching turtles, and counting turtle eggs

17) First time seeing shooting stars and the milky way

18) Buying Batik for the first time

19) Bring your own containers for packing food (environmental awareness up up)

20) Fight with Xiaoqiang (see cockroaches )

21) Hooked a lot of things: sweaters, skirts, headbands, charms, swabs, hats (see what you do in a hotel when you travel )

22) Appreciate Malay food (see Assimilation )

23) Watching the sunrise for the first time

24) The first confession failed

25) First time eating cooked salmon

26) The first time to celebrate the New Year abroad (please see the original year )

27) Replacing the battery for the laptop for the first time

28) Bought an iPad (please see I bought the first apple in my life 🍎 )

29) I rode a lot of bicycles (although it has nothing to do with the picture below, but please see the rice field tour )

30) Get hooked on vinyl records

31) Go to the pile of stones next to the airport to see the night view of the city

32) Learn to fold the quilt (please see the habit of folding the quilt )

33) Get yourself a haircut

34) Learn to Floss

34) Pre-college personality test result is INFJ, post-college is INTP

34) Rolling out the dumpling skin for the first time

35) Buying Taobao for the first time

36) Seeing plankton with a microscope for the first time, it feels amazing

37) The first time I went to see the mangroves, I was covered in mud

38) Go sampling with senior

horseshoe crab

39) Break the coral apart and count the eggs

40) Count how many eggs the copepod (a zooplankton) has on her mother (the life of a marine biology student is full of counting eggs, lol)

41) Kill the fish (please see the students killed in class )

42) Cultivation (I didn’t do anything, and I didn’t have any achievements such as feeling that my heavenly eyes were opened, but I found that I could leave this world at any time without regrets; please see buying tarot cards )

43) Bought the IKEA shark (super sleepy as a throw pillow)

Sterilize the pillow.

44) I practiced 108-style Yang Style Tai Chi, and the epidemic broke out before I finished practicing.

45) The phone fell into the sea and was reimbursed

46) Allow yourself a reason to hate someone

47) Twice sunburned, peeling skin, and half-life black

48) One and a half years of physical classes; one and a half years of online classes (please see the doors opened after online classes and how to make trouble in online classes )

49) Be a cousin's witness

50) When the school prohibits students from leaving the school gate, they climb over the wall many times in order to go out.

I opened google album to write this. To commemorate my graduation from college.

After experiencing a lot of things, I feel like I should be almost an adult.

During the writing process, in order to find related works, I re-read some of my previous articles, which were a bit unsightly, but I did not choose to hide the articles. You can click in to see and laugh. Accept yourself as you used to be and admit that you have made progress by the way.

On the other hand, I also found myself updating Matters very often, which is why there are so many related works.

I am thankful that I got the scholarship, which made my money less restrained, and I didn’t have to ask my parents for living expenses all the time (I have always been given by them, and I only received it, and I will not take the initiative to ask for it).

I'm a very homely person, and I don't drive. Thank you to the good friends around me for taking me to grocery shopping and walking around, allowing me to see different scenery.

Thank you for your hard work to get yourself into college, and when I was in college, except for rushing homework and preparing for exams, there was almost no pressure, because I knew that if there was pressure, my grades could actually be better.

My university is doing well, thank you for everything.


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