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超狂MV | OK Go - “颠倒和由内而外”

被脸书回顾提醒,六年前这个时候,我最崇拜的乐团之一OK GO 发布了这支超牛逼的MV

这是一支由S7 Airlines西伯利亚航空赞助的MV,原理是藉由抛物线飞行制造出短暂的无重力的状态,他们还请了两位俄国体操选手饰演空服员,真正拍摄前所有人都花了两周去适应抛物线飞行(想必是吐得乱七八糟),原曲其中一句歌词like an airplane going down也因为是在飞机上拍MV而改掉



  1. 人类已经无法阻止ok go了!!!
  2. 大叔们还是很灵活,希望他们可以永保青春活力拍到80岁!!!
  3. 机舱里一开始应该超难适应超想吐吧,我在萤幕前都觉得我要晕机了

Take 2、Take 5超灾难。失重状态下一边做肢体动作对拍子这好难啊,一直跟队友撞在一块儿。看到幕后花絮真的很感动,全员很崩溃很辛苦(而且很冷) 也仍坚持要把mv拍好拍满....这种MV毕竟不像是其他MV,拍很多次总会有成功的一次,飞一趟很贵的,他们有次数的压力,是说就算可以无限飞人也会先崩溃吧

Tim: I'm playing with gravity!! (一直丢东西好烦XD)

这个影片介绍了抛物线飞行的原理身为一个连坐海盗船都害怕的人,完全无法想像在机舱里0g 与2g 交错是什么感觉....


这个BTS我看得眼眶都湿了,特别是5:37以后,一行人决定要再飞最后一次,有种拍电影的壮烈感,结尾Tim 与Andy 说的每一句话都特别感人, "who knows what okgo's gonna do next ten years?"满满的洋葱,所有人的快乐展露无遗,可以感受到这个团队气氛非常好,很认真也很乐在其中,真的是感情要够好,志向要够一致才能一起做这么多搞死自己的事情啊


"Upside Down & Inside Out"

 Upside down and inside out
and you can feel it.
Upside down and inside out
and you can feel it, feel it.
Don't know where your eyes are
but they're not doin' what you said.
Don't know where your mind is baby
but you're better off without it.

Inside down and upside out
and you can feel it.
Don't stop.
Can't stop.
It's like an airplane goin' down.
I wish I had said the things you thought that I had said.
Gravity's just a habit that you're really sure you can't break.

So when you met the new you,
Were you scared?
Were you cold?
Were you kind?
Yeah when you met the new you,
did someone die inside?

Don't stop.
Can't stop.
It's like a freight train.
Don't stop.
Can't stop.
It's like an airplane goin' down.
Don't know where your eyes are
but they're not doin' what you said.
Don't know where your mind is baby
but you're better off without it.

Looks like it's time to decide.
Are you here?
Are you now?
Is this it?
All of those selves that you tried;
wasn't one of 'em good enough?

'cause you're upside down and inside out
and you can feel it.
Inside down and upside out
and you can feel it, feel it.
Don't stop.
Can't stop.
It's like a freight train.
Don't stop.
Can't stop
until you feel it goin' down.
I wish I had said the things you thought that I had said.
Gravity's just a habit that you're really sure you can't break.

Upside down and inside out
And you can feel it
Don't stop
Can't stop
Until you feel it goin' down
Upside down and inside out
And you can feel it
Don't stop
Can't stop
Until you feel it goin' down





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