
鍾意周圍去,嬉山亦嬉水。 想幸福地吃秋刀魚、 心情亂七八糟時吃蕎麥麵、覺得輸給世界時被抱一下。

wish i could

Obviously there are some things, I still want to try it, and there are obviously some rules, which are not worth keeping, so don't talk a little way, obviously you have to go first, and you have to give way.

During this period of time, my thoughts seem to have become neglectful, lack of words, more and more difficult to express, or really have nothing to say. In this crumbling Hong Kong, there are those who love and those who hate, but more of them are powerless. . Obviously there are some things, I still want to try it, and there are obviously some rules, which are not worth keeping, so don't talk a little way, obviously you have to go first, and you have to give way.

Facing this kind of demented and cowardly manipulation and being manipulated, I am too lazy to think more, so I don't pay attention to it, and I pretend to not understand it unreasonably, but it will actually lead to insomnia and continuous nightmares. A person's mental ability is really limited, why do you force yourself to do your best, meet the expectations of others, fall asleep, as if you are escaping from something, and cannot see the happiness in the future.

Sometimes, it seems that I would rather just let me have nothing, and want to see that after I get rid of all the burdens, I will instead enter another state of freedom. Some things, some mistakes, have been made again and again, and the attitude is the same, so I can understand myself better. I am such a person.


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