
You can be optimistic about the future of the nation

I read an article in the past two days. I was deeply moved by the author's boxing heart, and his analysis of the dynasty is also subtle (for example, the author analyzed that the "ancestral method" that could not change the preferential treatment of the minority in this dynasty is harmonious The reasons for this dynasty are closely related), but I have to say that his analysis of the future of the nation is a bit too pessimistic.

Of course, this "pessimism" also comes from being too optimistic about the current economic situation.

First, will China become a country of immigrants?

I don't think so. Will Russia in 1992 become a country of immigrants, attracting a large influx of Indians and black Africans? of course not. Because why should black people go to a place where the economy is in total collapse? Four years ago, when I criticized Muslims and black people on Zhihu, I was deeply concerned about immigration. But I'm not worried at all now. You get normal people to come to a place where the walls are so high, the housing prices are so high, and life is so difficult and lacking in fun, I think it's difficult. You must know that the global population is generally declining now, and even Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula are approaching the birth replacement line. Blacks and Muslims will not go to Europe and the United States, which are freer, more comfortable, and more compatriots at the door. Come here to suffer and suffer, I think is very illogical.

Thank you for the crashing trend of our economy! The Han people are cutting off their descendants, the young people are there, and even the foreigners, even the black people, are unwilling to come and suffer.

Second, the regional problem will intensify, and will the Han territory be divided?

Twenty years ago, this problem was possible. At that time, because of the household registration system and the "ancestral method" of "divide and rule" (that is, the ancestors from 1949 and even 1929), the Han people in various regions had serious infighting, and the local people (no matter where they were locals) generally painted the ground as prisoners and hated other regions. "Cheap purchase of local resources", and even set tariffs on products from both sides.

After joining the wto, the dynasty finally reluctantly entered the national market economy. Thanks to the golden decade of reforms, the Han people gained the freedom to move freely across the country, but they did not have the right to be local. Therefore, nationalists and liberals formed an alliance, calling for the abolition of the household registration system and the urban-rural dual system, and equality for the Han Chinese. Except for the few Han people in underdeveloped areas who think they can become independent and become rich by selling resources, they no longer have the urge for regional independence or more autonomy, nor do they believe that their hometown can be compared The advantageous coastal areas have developed well, but they hope to enjoy equal rights in the developed areas. On the other hand, people in developed regions have a sense of territory because of the influx of competitors, eager to keep their regional privileges.

So there is a classic joke in this period, where are the most important supporters of aunt school? The most are in Shanghai, followed by Beijing. Why? Because people in these two places value the privilege of household registration the most. Today, with housing prices skyrocketing and birthrates declining across the country, the situation has entered its third stage. In the past, the most valuable thing in Beijing and Shanghai was the household registration system, so they cherished the household registration system in their hands like the wealthy aristocrats who rejected the bourgeoisie before the abolition of the aristocracy. But today, the indigenous people have houses with a market value of tens of millions of real money, and this condition is enough for them to step into the upper class in one step. They can choose concubines among the people "into the city" (including those in the second and third tiers of the middle class and even the bourgeoisie) just like they choose beautiful women. But they also know that this housing price is just a mirror image, and the high rise is based on the continuous influx of people from other areas.

If Shanghai became independent, ten years ago it meant that Fudan University only recruited Shanghainese, and today it means that housing prices are cut by half, so what will these high-class citizens eat and drink? Who would? The household registration system, which was once feared and hated by the imperial and Han people, is being abolished step by step by local governments obsessed with land finance. They have done everything they can to get people to come in and buy houses. In the past two years, Shanghai has allowed students to study for a master’s degree and settle down. Why? It is nothing more than for the sake of the Shanghai government (of course, the "citizens" of Shanghai can also get their hands on it) houses are still valuable.

So to be honest, I don't believe at all that the region will tear apart the Han national society at this stage. What's more, what about the birth rate of Han people today? Twenty years ago, I was worried about the independence of the Northeast. What is the independence of the Northeast today? A group of old men and old ladies are independent? It is said that a local child in Shanghai was not born one day in February this year. What else is there to worry about?

Third, what the author of the cultural issue said is worth noting that both the ideology of the dynasty and the ideology of the liberals are essentially rooted in the New Culture Movement. More precisely, a colonial theory—the white man's burden theory. The Han Chinese were unable to manage themselves and had to be transformed and helped "civilize" by "civilized people" (Western) or vanguards. In other words, the liberal rebels and the imperial court are two sides of the same body.

Some liberal rebels said that the Han nationality created the imperial court, the imperial court was the ruling Han people, and the Han people were the imperial court who stepped down. In fact, on the contrary, the liberals and the imperial court are the two grasshoppers on the vine of the new culture. The court is the ruling liberal, and the liberal is the ruling court. "Han people need to be colonized for three hundred years" and "Han people are one meter three, they are pulled to one meter five by the imperial court, and they need to be transformed by the imperial court for three hundred years to get rid of ""small farmers"" """Confucianism"" "ideas" to put it bluntly is a logic. The only difference between them is who is going to "transform" the Han people.

But the Han Chinese do not need to be reformed.

So, can the nationalist views be supported by the majority? If the court is there, no. Because you deny the inferiority of the Han people is to shake the legitimacy of the imperial rule.

If the premise of the rule of the Modi government or the US government is that Indians or Americans are noble and free, the legitimacy of this dynasty's rule is precisely that the Han people are inferior and unable to manage themselves.

If the economy is good and can still be maintained, and the Han elites do not intend to break up with the imperial court, then you will definitely be abandoned by the Han people who want to live a peaceful life if you say that the Han people do not need the imperial court's "control". But if the finances cannot be maintained and the economy collapses, do the Han people agree that "they are inferior and need to be managed"? Or support "you can take care of yourself"?

This is the age of population decline, and there is no "power" intervention to get in the muddy waters. If the imperial court ceased to exist, no one would be able to "govern" the whole society like the imperial court, not even the foreign powers. Under such circumstances, the theory of "inferiority" endorsed by "governance and management" would naturally be abandoned by the Han people themselves. Any theory is endorsed by rulers or potential rulers. What negates a theory is not the theory itself, nor the facts, but the status quo.

So in this day and age, I have full confidence in the future of the Han people. Greatly broken and established, the future of our nation will be very bright.


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