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How to run a campus lecture? Expand from a simple Rundown sheet

After two years of absence, Brother Stone's "Professional Soul Lectures" series rekindled a raging flame, and also took advantage of the trend to introduce talented people from blockchain, Metaverse, and community management to the campus. In the PDCA review after the first session, Rundown is also provided for reference by friends who want to hold the event.
Image source: Stone brother drawing

How to run a campus lecture? Expand from a simple Rundown sheet


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . Inspired by the dean of the Department of Engineering Management of Mingxin University of Science and Technology, he sincerely hoped that the students could absorb a little more knowledge while swiping their phones, so Brother Shitou had no choice but to summon the energetic monster in his heart and let him The two-year-old "Spirit of Professionals Lectures" series rekindled the raging flames, and took advantage of the trend to introduce talented people from blockchain, Metaverse, and community management to the campus. It started to burn from the 329 Youth Day, so that every session The face-to-face symposiums are wonderful performances.

Thanks to the little frog of the wind~ for the wonderful speech that was carefully prepared, it really doesn't matter, even the professor asked a few questions for answers;
I also thank myself for never slackening and pursuing perfection. Although Part I ended with applause, I still had to come to a review report on the Deming PDCA cycle.

【How to organize a campus event? 】

Every brilliant speech requires someone to review, question, and revise from behind the scenes in order to make a complete planning of the preparatory process, so that the audience can enjoy the speaker's demeanor like a spring breeze.

Step 1: Seek approval from the top level:
For the first time, someone dared to move into the campus to hold a discussion about the blockchain, the metaverse, and NFT. It was really a big challenge. After all, there are still a lot of knowledgeable seniors on campus who don’t really believe in these virtual things. You must have enough courage to convince them, or have a high-status professor, department chair, or dean to approve, which is equivalent to being willing to do your best. Activity endorsement.
At the same time, you should seek the support of the chairman of the alumni association or even the president of the alumni association. I believe that the event will be more affirmed and the support of various departments.

Step 2. Pre-planning:

2-1. Know who your audience will be?
Freshmen and seniors have different urgency for preparing to enter the workplace. Since I chose blockchain-related matters as the content of the discussion, I focused the audience on juniors. At least they still have a year to explore and do well. Plan your future career.

2-2. Who are the main speakers of the event to invite?
The head of the department said: Don't let the students fall asleep, the highest principle. So I spread out all the lists that I knew, didn't know, wanted to invite, and could invite, and cut out the list of Generation X like me with a big slash, trying to match the appetite of young people as much as possible. Of course, "girls are hot", but also It can't be on the list. After all, there will definitely be some professors on the scene, so you need to be more realistic. The order of the speakers is very important. After confirmation, remember: It is a courtesy to send an electronic invitation letter.

2-3. How is the venue planned?
You have to count the number of juniors in the entire department? How many people can come to the whole school of management? Which venues are suitable for rent? Are there any venues dedicated to the priority of the department? Since the "Spirit of Professionals Lectures" series has been popular with students in the past, they are eager to listen to the experience sharing of the industry leaders and senior sisters' industry experience, so I will attract 100 listeners. At the same time, considering that people outside the school want to listen, and the moving line is also convenient, the "Harvard Lecture Hall" was selected and entered the first floor of the first School of Management building on the left side of the campus.

2-4. Which time is more suitable?
It is very important to check the student's class schedule. You must have a clear grasp of who your main target audience is? How is their class schedule? What are the closing and closing times of each class? Who is the teacher for this class? You have to say hello to the teacher first to show respect, and if you can, you will have almost an entire class audience. Of course, you must avoid mid-term exams, final exams, graduation exams, and major event dates, otherwise there will be no doubts about two or three kittens.

2-5. Where can I advertise?
The campus has campus regulations, you must apply to be able to post event posters, so master the time in advance and notify the secretary to provide, follow up and confirm the completion in time. However, don't worry, there are a lot of social software now, don't forget to give him a good publicity for the seniors and sisters group and the department community, lest you set 100 people, only 50 people come.

Image source: Stone brother drawing

Step 3. Execution of the activity:

For the inexperienced, I think you can start out with a simple Rundown sheet, which helps you expand your thinking like a mind map without messing up your activities.

3-1. Front of moving line equipment:
Confirmation of activity line, relevant kanban location, check-in area, received introduction brochure, speaker/microphone/projection screen... The entire moving line and equipment are confirmed for the last time.

3-2. Meetings between guests and department chairs:
In order to give the dean of the department a preliminary understanding, first prepare the luncheon dinner party, introduce the manuscript, and arrange for the guest speakers and guests to have a meal together, so that the dean of the department has a preliminary grasp and understanding, and it is convenient for the introduction to be smoother.

3-3. The speech process is executed according to Rundown:
I think for a perfect performance, the organizer must also prepare the ppt, which helps the audience to have a preliminary grasp through the ppt during the process of entering the venue. At the same time, there is an introduction brochure at hand, which can also provide information on the topic and speaker of today's lecture. A rough understanding of the background.

Step 4. Review and improve after the meeting:

I think a lot of people overlook this. I am used to reviewing and improving according to the Deming PDCA, so that I can use the experience of the previous one to do better every time I hold an event or give a speech on the stage. Taking Part I of the "Spirit of Professionals" series as an example, I think there are still several areas for improvement.
a. There is insufficient manpower at the check-in desk, and the queue time is too long. See if you can find part-time working students to assist you in the next session.
b. The filming of the entire event was also understaffed, and it was impossible for a secretary to take pictures from three angles.
c. On-site introduction of the small card, if the receipt is not good, a notice board will be placed in advance to inform, otherwise, the assistance of part-time working students will also be planned.
d. The collection of feedback from the audience is not perfect, so it can be given back with a small gift; when arranging a Q&A, you have to scan the QR code.

Combining the above deficiencies, at least three people must be mobilized to assist the entire event, so that the event can be carried out well. This is equivalent to the manpower I used to speak at Dawning Girls' High School last time. If you don't bring three people with you, it is difficult for you to perfect the tension of the whole scene.
Brother Shitou emphasizes the theme of the article on "campus" because it is really not like you are in the workplace. You can have secretaries, managers, and assistant managers of each factory to help you plan and manage everything in advance. You only need to be responsible for talking and talking. . On the campus, students are free individuals, and the secretary of the department and the working students are not used by you, so everything has to be arranged and planned by yourself. Do not use the company's set on campus, otherwise you will be embarrassed all the way to the end. real.

Image source: Stone brother drawing

【in conclusion】

You are the CEO of your career. Throughout your long career, there will always be opportunities for supervisors to put you in charge of events, projects, speeches, tailgating, and spring drinks. Seizing every opportunity will make you better at it. Today, Brother Shishi shared the simple Rundown table of the "Spiritual Lecture" on the campus, so that you can directly apply it next time you take on the role. Finally, I look forward to your sharing in the message below, and I look forward to the next three shows, and you will come.

Please click the link: Introduction to the Professional Soul Lecture Series

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