
喜歡旅行, 因家境貧窮,從不敢相信自己可以到國外旅行,甚至有天會住在國外。到夏威夷唸書的機會開拓了我人生視野和生活經驗。 從台灣到夏威夷﹐奧蘭多﹐紐約﹐Danielson 遇見了麥先生, 與他許下了下半輩子相知相守的誓言, 哥本哈根成了我第三個家。在這裡以平實的文字分享我人生的生活與愛情故事。

Home Cooking for Epidemic Prevention

Taiwan is now working hard to unite at home to prevent the epidemic

Every day, you can see the self-cooked epidemic prevention table of friends po

And Danielson in Denmark has been cooking for more than a year to prevent the epidemic

I still continue to cook my father's anti-epidemic kitchen

The day before yesterday, this dish appeared on the self-cooked anti-epidemic table in Denmark.

Now I can't say it's a throwing chicken

Or Taiwanese tossing chicken

Because it will be scolded by the Internet celebrity "Niangniang" from Thailand (I believe that many people are fans of Niangniang, if you don't know the reason, please search by yourself)

but whatever it is called

it's delicious

Another dish is to clear the refrigerator

The last remaining bamboo shoot that Yachao bought (vacuum-packed, no fresh bamboo shoots)

Add a few slices of pork belly sliced shredded pork

In this way, it became a very Taiwanese bamboo shoot fried shredded pork.

Although not perfect

But there are still some

The population is simple

just two people

Don't be too particular about it

eat well

dinner again

The most important thing is that you don't have to go out and take the risk of winning the bid.

Let's continue to work hard to prevent the epidemic by cooking at home


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