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A letter to myself ten years ago|Stinky brat, stop being inferior!

Inferiority will consume a lot of energy, but it is difficult for you not to be inferior. Remember, you are much better than you think.
Source: Pexels

Hi Xiaoluo, this is a letter written by myself ten years later. Although it's a cliché, let's take a look.

Regarding schoolwork, I know that you often feel powerless when faced with various exams. Although you know that you have done it, you still often doubt what the hell you are studying. Let me tell you, what you are learning now is very abstract, because you have not actually seen the scene. After you start working, you will instantly understand what you are learning, but the knowledge you actually use is probably taught in class. One-tenth of it. XD Don't worry too much about your poor performance in the experimental class, and you don't have to be ashamed of it. You will think back many years later and find that the tools you use are faulty, but also because you have used the tools with problems for a long time. Come and make similar achievements to others, you will become stronger in the future, even more powerful than the seniors you are envious of now, I really don't lie. Ah, but I just want to remind you not to have low self-esteem, or give me a good practice, it is impossible to become great without practice.

Regarding love and friendship, don't spend too much time on your boyfriend, I know you can't listen to it now, but besides him, you can take a good look at other friends, they will accompany you through many lows in life, is something worth your time. In the future, you will continue to pursue love in order to satisfy the bottomless pit in your heart, but this dissatisfaction actually comes from the lack of family affection. As for how to solve it? I haven't solved it yet, I can only remind you not to spend too much time in a relationship, because there are so many things that will be missed because of this.

You have low self-esteem because of your appearance. There is really nothing you can do about your appearance, but you are not fat! If you don't believe what I said, go to the sports center to measure the inbody. It's really worthwhile to spend 200 yuan to find out that you are not fat. in distress. Ah, but you can't relax just because you find yourself not fat, like me ten years later, I really got fat XD but I can give you a little hope, although I will be fatter in ten years, but I am much happier than you , be envious!

Cherish the time in the writing club. In the future, your life will be so busy that you completely forget to write. I am still trying to rehabilitate. After a few months of rehab, I think my level is far from yours. , so be sure to cherish it, the friends of the club will accompany you for a long time.

I won't say more about the other nonsense, just go to study, although you hate what you learn, but I have to say that you are really talented in this area, and there will be unexpected developments, but just Let me sell it! I won't tell you, so as not to spoil your own interest in exploring the future.

In the end, what must be emphasized is not to be inferior, you are far better than you think, that's all, come on!

It's so embarrassing to write to myself! ! !

I want to tell myself not to have low self-esteem, but I have gone through that road, and I am very clear that "not low self-esteem" is not something that can be done with words. From hating myself to slowly accepting myself, I have really experienced a lot of things. , These are things that I didn't understand ten years ago, and I won't understand them even if I talk about them.

I really want to wake her up, but from what I know about myself, beating her will only make her hate myself even more, so hard to help, Orz


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