

Underground Selection | "What do you want to do after graduating from the Chinese Department?"

Underground Literature - Suffix Supplement #6: April's Highlights, Co-creation Activities, and Introduction to Handsome Writer Bao Guanhan
 Thanks for the sponsorship! The contents of this issue of "Underground" are as follows:
- Anthology - NFT co-creation activity


This anthology selects 5 works from 4/1-4/15 with the label of "literature" very subjectively, and each supports 166 Likes.

In short essays, the author thinks

  1. What is literature?
  2. What is Chinese literature? What is the difference between Chinese literature and Western literature?

Concisely point out the lyrical tradition of Chinese literature (even Chinese literature).

"No matter which point of view you hold," he said, "you must find your own essence." Explore, investigate, understand, and accept yourself, that's the most important thing.
"You bring yourself the love you need," he said. "That's enough." If there's one person in the world who has to love you, it's yourself.

I like this article using the interaction between the girl and the mirror, lightly talking about deep thinking.

At that time, the worlds of the sun, the moon and the earth, the three planets, were connected in an instant, as if they had a common destiny at the moment, and everyone lived in the overlapping shadows of just a few seconds, only when everything was over. , and look up at the sky in a different place again.

I am embarrassed, and I hate occasions where topics need to be opened. I want to misunderstand the author's feelings as letting them go (big mistake).

The article introduces three works written by Haruo Sato after his visit to Taiwan.

The Taiwan described by Haruo Sato is beyond the eyes of tourists. In addition to describing the scenery of Taiwan in his works, he uses writing style to describe the sadness of small people, the shackles of culture, and the uncivilized rulers. This is a relatively different angle, and it has also become a modern person to spy on the scenery of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation era.

I am not familiar with Japanese literature, so I share a piece of information from Google: Haruo Sato was the judge of the first Akutagawa Prize and recommended Osamu Dazai as the first candidate.

If you are interested in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period, you can read Professor Huang Cui'e's sharing, which is very interesting.

I like the author's connection between literature and music, especially in the art of Beat Generations, music is inseparable.

The extension recommends the poem "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg, a poet of the Beat Generation. The film is James Franco's recitation in the film of the same name. You can hear the musicality in the poem.

The title of this article is selected from a dialogue in Bao Guanhan's novel < B1 Back Publishing Room >, one of the propositions of this novel, sharing two paragraphs read in the novel, should earn what you need to live independently, like when I was in graduate school, parking (helping people in business school), and making money for professors doing handjobs. Sometimes my hands are really sore, but as long as I think that it is in this soreness that my personality is growing stronger and stronger, and that I will increasingly achieve something in this cold and uncertain life Regarding the mystery of how to survive well, I gritted my teeth and continued to fight.
I'll forget him and anything he's written, and his novels will forget the fictitious pain I experienced in a time of condensed time, as if covered in skin...I think, Is it as if experience would say to the novel, go away; as if the pain would also say to the novel, go away? So we are as clean as never written.

The point is that I am full of handsome 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I will share it after I read it for the second time!

📒NFT co-creation event

  • Activity summary : As long as the text or pictures are related to "taste" or "smell", there are no other restrictions. See this article for details.
  • Currently participating articles : Mr. Sergio is a cat (don't doubt, there is only one article 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but this one is super nice!)

The following is the sesame oil chicken Buddha painted by the female worker, participate in this event!

❤Underground Literature


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來自馬來西亞、中國、台灣的安叄、 Chin、 Jennifer、寧想白、Shawn,在Matters相遇,受《後綴》假掰文青誌啟發,期待能在地下文學寫出更自信的作品,與更多讀者見面。 🌿 🌿

