
喜歡開發腦洞,如果能讓你對人生有新的啟發,會是我最大的榮幸。 #心靈治愈 #星盤 #普通分享 #隨筆 #自學前端ing

A letter to Qiqi ten years later|The future is a good thing ^^

I wish you and those around you happiness

I have been thinking about whether to participate in this activity for a long time. I feel that saying something to strangers is like giving advice, and I am afraid that it will offend others. I also think that if the activity is meant to be a blessing, giving others kindness and encouragement should be some strength. Perhaps this is the expectation of the party sending the blessing.
I still only dare to choose blessings among those who have communicated, perhaps because I have felt her words.

Recommended link: A letter to yourself ten years ago | You will eventually become a mother

To Qiqi ten years ago:

Hello, I am an ordinary netizen who came across your letter by chance.

I'm glad to see that you are about to face the birth of a new life. Life is always amazing. There is nothing but good. There is always pain, doubt, worry, and joy and expectation. It seems that there is no abuse of human beings. For a moment, human beings have no way to feel happiness and do not know how to cherish it, so we are all comforting so many difficulties we face, just to usher in greater joy. You've experienced enough unease at this moment, so there's bound to be a lot of joy, a lot of laughter that you've never experienced before.

As a non-professional part-time practitioner of astrology and fortune-telling, when faced with inquiries from consultants, I will always follow the expectations of the guests and give some answers that are more likely; The role of psychological comfort and guiding the counselor to find the true desire in your heart. If you were eager to be a mother at that time, I would probably give a positive answer.

I wonder if you have heard of the law of attraction? Positive wishes can always be fulfilled, as long as you believe and imagine concretely.

I have a friend who is very eager to move. She wants to move to a city closer to home, but she doesn't believe it. I told her that as long as you really want it, you can always do it, so she delayed for half a year , through entanglement and worry every day, but one day she asked me to help her read the game and draw cards. I said that you might have a chance to leave next month, and the cards said you could do it. She didn't believe it, but handed her resignation letter a week later and decided to move there first and then find a job, and then found a new job within two weeks.

Drawing cards, whether it's tarot, dice, or ziwei cards, these can't give you any will from God, but just express your subconscious expectations and push you to achieve what you want, which is probably to increase the law of attraction. The positive energy inside, so it can only give back to the recent life;
And the horoscope doesn't really give you a complete answer to what actually happens, otherwise, where would you change your luck? What doesn't happen can change, something does happen, but it's not the only answer, unless you're sure those unfortunate things will happen, so those who say who's unlucky, don't go to the doctor, say your body is helpless , can not believe.

Some people have also asked if I can move in? I said yes, at this time you have signs of migration. In the end, he did not choose to move, but chose to buy a house and continue to live in this place. Look! Both are migrations, but completely different choices.

I think the essence of all God's will is our inner desire, so optimistic people are always luckier.

So I always look forward to the future life, so I feel that as long as you persevere, wishes can come true!

To Qiqi ten years later:

Ten years ago, many of your wishes were fulfilled. You took a course you liked, had a wonderful relationship, found a partner who can accompany you, and later became a mother and grew up together. These are all very beautiful, too. I am looking forward to the life I have now, and I hope that one day I can be like you.

I am especially fortunate that in the past ten years, you have been able to face life that is not as expected with optimism, coexist with them, and find and cherish those happy pictures more.

It's really not easy being a mother, we are often taught to be role models for our children, but I think it's all wrong thinking, we should let our children know that we are all human, share what we know, for our Apologizing for mistakes, but also need to learn, mother does not need to be the role of the superior, this is probably the image of the mother I expect, I think you are already great ~ everyone is growing, of course, it does not need to be perfect.

I wish you that you can always love life in your future life, love others, be loved, and more importantly love yourself. We don't know what will happen in the future. If we are not children, we all know that our life depends more on the environment. Changed, I don't believe that everything is the best arrangement, but I believe that there will always be such and such things in the future that will lead to these futures, so guess the future and be mentally prepared to better face all kinds of unknowns , no matter what, hopefully your desired goal will be achieved at some point.

I wish a Merry Christmas~

A netizen who wants to send blessings

Fan An


Cover image credit: cottonbro from Pexels


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