
⎡邊緣回望後,滑進一界混沌,從不掙扎。跟自己的過去過不去,執著地浮沉著。⎦ Still hope/to hand stitch my book/of ups & downs on a tightrope./No plan to elope/coz it just chokes.

|The Past and Today|office dismental

Not only in those days and today, but today I am still floating in a situation where I can't go up or down.


The company rents a house in Las Vegas every year during CES, which is much cheaper than a hotel room for a dozen people. Taken in 2013.

I understand and then accept the three syllables that are thunderous

dis. men. tle

The old saying that there is no such thing as a banquet in the world is far beyond the satisfaction of being able to sit at the head of the family table from the second year.

You told me today with your usual yawning and sleepy expression about putting away the chapter about you in America. You can only ask if you feel relaxed. I dare not say it. I dare not ask too much. Younger child, the innocent heart you think is the reason why you can always be in this state, but Gao Zhan is difficult to understand

Believe in your decision that affects the whole company Believe in your decision last week that affected both of you

Like you said, it's the only one I agree with
We have no choice but to take it ⎥


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