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359. You can grow all the time, but don’t encourage it

Modern society likes professional division of labor and continuous growth, but one-person company refuses to continue to grow. Why? Growth itself is a good thing, but if you grow for the sake of growth or forget the original intention, this is not the case. Many times we are too greedy and forget our own values, as we operate in an insatiable social system

Modern society likes professional division of labor and continuous growth, but one-man companies refuse to continue to grow


Growth itself is a good thing, but if you grow up for the sake of growth or forget your original intention , it is not the same thing.

Many times we are so greedy that we forget our values because we operate in an insatiable social system

Why should one-person companies question growth?

It's very simple, there is pressure to grow, and growth is definitely not as simple as scaling up

Each of us is a company, we all have issues to solve when we work, this is our one-person company

Silicon Valley relies on this kind of thinking to inspire new ideas, and this is how 3M's sticky notes and Facebook's like system came about.

A one-person company does not completely exclude growth, but thinks about "growth" in a different way. Does it really help the company's development ?

Look at the tragic situation of ARK Fund. When the fund performance is amazing and attracts more and more funds, it will become mediocre or even be liquidated, because it will become the focus after growth, and more people will need to be responsible and even be instructed.

The same is true of many angel venture capital failures. When you are instructed, you will lose your driving force.

The person who spends money is definitely not the boss but the entrepreneur himself, and the pressure will kill the development of the new startup

Grow but don't encourage growth, move forward but don't go for money


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