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353. Bravely press the pause button, you will find the difference

How much money do we really need? Everyone's definition (dream) of wealth freedom is different, but the most terrible thing is that you only know to make money. In the journey of life, the most fearful thing is to get lost, because you may never feel that you have not enough Now you can try to bravely press the pause button and practice to achieve (temporary) financial freedom. When you feel that you have (temporarily) earned enough, you can (temporarily) leave work and play freely (for a) life~ What is enough? already?

How much money do we need?

Everyone's definition (dream) of wealth freedom is different, but the most terrible thing is that you only know to make money

In the journey of life, the worst fear is to get lost, because you may always feel that you have not enough

Now you can try to bravely hit the pause button and practice to achieve (temporary) financial freedom first

When you feel that you have earned enough (temporarily), you can (temporarily) leave your job and play (a game) for a lifetime~

What is enough?

Write down how much you will spend in a month, then estimate how much you can earn in a year, after deducting it, you know how much you have left, and then you want to see how much you need to be able to pause your life

Many people do not set goals, so it is easy to get lost, goals can help us determine the direction, let us know how much is "enough"

A better way is to have determination. After all, this road is very dark. If there is only a goal, when the fog thickens, you can't see your fingers.

But when you are determined, you will determine where you are going, in life or work, we are not always on the road we want to go

But as long as you do work that aligns with your values, you're not off the main road

If you can't be happy at work (feel flow), you may not be able to feel fulfilled, we need to find the sweet spot of dreams and real life, if you haven't found it, maybe it's a good idea to give yourself a pause

If you're on the right path and you fall, you can stick an OK bandage, but if you're lost in the forest, you can only roar at the sky, roar, and the wolf may come to you

So after a job has been done for a long time, you can start to reflect, try to press the pause button, and temporarily forget your work

Think your work is meaningful? Does it match your values?

If so, congratulations, you'll love your job even more like an addiction

If not, then you can think carefully about the next step

Don't make excuses to procrastinate, no time, no money are just issues to consider in the future

If you don't move, you won't leave the starting point. Maybe the scenery around you is beautiful, but after you start running, you will know if there is a more beautiful scenery ahead


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