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345. Mission and love cannot be forced

Finding interest is usually love over time rather than love at first sight, but don't be a promiscuous person, don't let yourself step on multiple boats, want everything and get nothing. After all, you may have to walk with it for the rest of your life!

In the process of finding your passion, it is not good to have too many choices, which will lead to decision paralysis.

Finding interest is usually love over time rather than love at first sight, but don't be a promiscuous person, you want everything and you won't get anything! After all, you may have to go with it for the rest of your life~

Here are two of the myths about the interests discussed in the book:

1. The enthusiasm for work comes from a little discovery, plus "a lot of nurturing and development", and a lifetime of deep cultivation

It sounds very similar to a business relationship. You don’t want to give up after three minutes of enthusiasm. When you encounter difficulties, you have to overcome them, but if you can’t overcome them, you have to think about whether this field is not suitable for you.

2. Interest is not discovered through introspection, but is stimulated through interaction with the outside world

You can't rely on willpower to like something, it's human free will, just like you can't force someone to fall in love with you, so even if you know it's lucrative and you don't like it, in the end you won't be able to hold on to it

Can Natsu be successful with enthusiasm? Of course not!

So most people aren't really good at what they love. To get ahead requires hard work. Don't make passion a hobby. It's a pity, because that's what your mission is.

It takes constant, deliberate practice to achieve greatness

Try as soon as possible to find your life partner (interest)


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