傅瑞德 | Fred Jame
傅瑞德 | Fred Jame

曾任某電動車系統公司行銷長。主業是數位行銷與媒體管理顧問。長年的寫作者、譯者、編輯、重機騎士、雪茄和艾雷島威士忌愛好者。 我也是養兩隻貓的犬派潛水員、健身教練、書法家。 關於我/https://fred.mba

Writing copywriting, learning routines is not as good as learning architecture: my recommended reading

I don't think there is a "win-win" or "popular" formula for copywriting; if there were, we wouldn't be here. However, the way of thinking and thinking can have a basic structure, and in addition to the structure, the in-depth understanding of the product and the ability to convert from specifications, advantages, and text are the key points. If you must ask about the architecture, the following is my recommendation.

Recently, I received some students asking about how to write several things:

  1. The basic structure of corporate copywriting is actually asking about "routines", but I think there is no routine for writing copywriting content; thinking about the structure is there, but learning the structure alone may not necessarily lead to useful things.
  2. Advanced changes beyond the basic spelling.
  3. "Don't do too much" English copywriting method: simple English copywriting can be written as long as the basic English is good, the difficulty is metaphors, puns, cultural background references and other changes.

Since I don't have classes at the moment, I can only suggest "Basic Cultural Textbooks".

Regarding 1. , I would recommend watching the " 4-2 Introduction to Copywriting for Marketing Executives " I took for the SAT last year. Maybe my typhoon is not as good as a professional lecturer, but I really finished explaining the very simple thinking structure and "routines".

Regarding 2. and 3., in addition to reading my articles in the " Uncle F's Hardcore Marketing School " e-newsletter for a long time, I recommend "How to write 'Apple-style' copywriting?" 11 articles in this series (list in In the back; part of it is limited to paid subscribers, only the first part is open; but you can read a few free articles first to see if it suits you).

(One more advert: free subscribers can receive the full paid new article, but just go back to the site and don't see the full text; so watch the quick order.)

Of course, 11 articles won't turn you into a master right away, but if you read and understand the content, you can learn a few steps, and roughly know how English copywriters think and "play" with words ( Of course, writing in Chinese also applies).

If after reading these materials, you already feel that "it's not good", or if you still don't understand it well, please come and talk to me again.

In fact, the basis of the structure (if you must say it is a routine) is very simple, but there are only those types. I can draw three kinds of them for you (the ones I drew for my classmates in the conversation just now), and there is no need to explain a word, you Will.


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傅瑞德 | Fred Jame

歡迎來到「傅瑞德的硬派行銷塾」。我從事寫作和翻譯逾30年。曾擔任企業行銷長、雜誌社長、開了語言行銷服務公司、寫過很多中英文文案。個人簡介請參閱 https://fred.mba 。

