
熱愛拍片,偶爾畫畫,常常幹話 Stay home的日子太艱難,只好寫寫日記

100 Days Standard Character Design|DAY 42 : Yue Lao is busy on the line

Today, I went to Dihua Street for a walk. After passing by the Xiahai City God Temple, I saw all kinds of handsome guys and beauties praying desperately, just to get a good marriage 😂

I heard that the old moon here is quite effective

But can Yue Lao help them match successfully? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult because Yue Lao should be busy at this time...

Yue Lao is busy....

Interpretation of words

In terms of fonts, I refer to the material obtained on the street today, and then there is a mess (so it should be quite messy 😅)

❙ Busy line
Busy line means "At this moment, Yue Lao must help many people pull the red line at the same time", so it is presented in messy lines

❙ Small thoughts
The left and right ends of the red line are "Wish" and "Matching" respectively. The believers write the "conditions" of their object on the small card and send it to Yue Lao, while the "light spot" on the right means that they have "matched" the object.

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