
社工系學士。現職行政人員。業餘寫作。喜愛自學。寫作領域涵蓋觀點、社會科學、歷史知識、寓言短篇等。Github: https://github.com/Dorothy1984

Event proposal passed! Welcome all visual art masters to join your masterpieces for Matt City Visual Art Gallery

very happy! Since the event proposal was published last night, it has received support from eight citizens, so it has passed the event threshold. First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the citizens who have supported them, in no particular order, including @ 你好@cat traveling[Erica] @yogurt with scrambled eggs@blue sky @ court's life essays @PhilipMak @刘思and @volunteer grandpa.

From now until 12:00 noon on August 8 (East Eighth District), Le Si sincerely invites all visual art masters to actively participate in this event. Since the total amount of support received within seven days from the date of the event proposal will be used to calculate the community matching donation bonus, I still want to appeal to more people to donate generously to support my event proposal " Community Event Proposal - Convening Visual Art Creation " Author-Building Matt City Vision Gallery ".

However! In fact, the Alzheimer's disease attacked. Yesterday's proposal article forgot to write a very important thing, so today's reminder: In addition to adding the article to the "Matt City Video Gallery" label, remember to associate the above proposal article. Oh!

The elderly still do not miss the opportunity to nagging: Finally, I hope you will actively participate in this activity.


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was the first to support this article
