
我是個味覺白癡,味蕾分辨不出100塊的澳牛和1000塊的和牛差在哪裡,希望不要再打鐵了。 「打鐵」是指投籃不進,球打在籃框上就會聽到「噹」的一聲,就像鐵匠打鐵的聲音,有點引申為作白工的意思。 有拍盡力回拍,也歡迎關注,歡樂共享。

Essays on Life – Feelings about Double 12

Then there will be another double 12?


When I first heard "Double 12", my intuition was very familiar. It seemed that there was a "Double 11". Is there any relationship between "Double 12" and "Double 11"? There are also multiple versions, and the version most people say is "Hand in Hand Festival", and it has a lot to do with "Double 11". It happens that my article "Life Notes - Double 11 Feelings" mentions "Double 11" The origin of "Singles' Day" is from China's Internet culture and campus culture. On this day, ambiguous men and women can imply that they are single and that they are "singles". Every Singles Day, people joke with each other how to "get naked" or celebrate. I have already "undressed". Since Singles' Day just passed on December 12, everyone is thinking about "undressing" or has already "undressed". The beginning of love is to determine the relationship by holding hands, so as to achieve happiness, which means From single to double, into pairs, this is why "Double 12" is also known as "Hand in Hand Festival".

However, whether it is "Double 12" or "Double 11", with the help of businessmen, they are all equated with discounts or promotions. "Double 11" is discounted and promoted on the grounds of stripping, while "Double 12" is always sold by It is considered to be a continuation of "Double 11", especially the "Black Friday" in European and American countries between "Double 11" and "Double 12". In order to pass on the promotion heat, "Double 12" gradually became a A fixed "e-commerce festival".

The fourth quarter of each year, whether it is in the East or the West, is the time for businessmen to invest in their performance last, and it is also the most frantic shopping season, and businessmen often offer the most popular promotions, such as shipping, buy one. One free, half price, free second item, full purchase discount, etc., but as consumers, we should also think about whether there is impulsive consumption, excessive consumption, shopping addiction, etc. phenomenon .


For some people, shopping is one of the ways to relieve stress, and they say, "The money isn't gone, it's just that you make it happier by making it something you love." I've always felt this saying, saying It's very beautiful. At first glance, it seems quite reasonable, but when you overspend, you waste not only money and natural resources, but also your life . Before you consume, please spend more time and think about yourself. What you really need, or the number of times you may use it in the future, expecting you to buy what you really need, instead of buying what you don’t need and worrying about how to deal with it, this kind of consumption behavior is not a waste of your most precious energy and energy. time?


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