

Implementation of Cut-up Graphicalization

Come, come, let's cut-up!


The cut-up technique (or découpé in French) is an aleatory literary technique in which a written text is cut up and rearranged to create a new text. The concept can be traced to at least the Dadaists of the 1920s, but was popularized in the late 1950s and early 1960s by writer William S. Burroughs. It has since been used in a wide variety of contexts.

- Wikipedia

So "cut-up" (cutting technique) originated from "Dadaism" a hundred years ago, and was carried forward by William Burrows thirty years later. As the name implies, cut-up is to cut off normal articles - as Pelosi said in the Washington Post article "...squeezing Taiwan economically and pressing global companies to cut off ties with Taiwan" - Cut and shred, and then reassemble at will to collage new chapters and sentences. In other words, those who have been cut off should be able to recreate a new context from the chaos without hindrance, thereby regenerating vitality.

In view of the fact that such an anti-mainstream method can separate the literal appearance from the background meaning and produce creativity, I can't help but ghostly imagine that the inflamed people lined up in a certain wall country often use such techniques to produce statements, The speeches and articles seem to show the beauty of confusion and beauty that is difficult to detail. Therefore, I extracted several recent articles for analysis, and used cut-up field drills. It can be said that cut up and then cut up, the double cutting power is double, and after importing the word cloud tool, it can clearly show the mental breakdown state of people with inflammation. The result is as shown in the cover image, which is the implementation of cut-up graphics.

Finally, I would like to say, I hope you can have a good rest for all the spokespersons like Geng Jun and Zhao. I know cut-up skills, and I will definitely live up to your fate in the future. Here is a song "The Next Day" written by David Bowie, which is deeply influenced by the cutting technique of William Blossom. I wish you people with inflammation to recover from mental illness as soon as possible, and I will support the next day (although the lyrics are He cut up to the point where he couldn't sing at all, just like what your mouth said).


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