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Unrelated to Encryption | Netflix's "Boudoir Design" makes it easy to understand sexual interest

I think it's good to write something that has nothing to do with encryption on weekends, it can have a new impulse

There are spoilers below, please avoid it if you don't want to watch it.

Netflix's "Boudoir Design Music" (Taiwan translation "Building the ultimate boudoir", English How to build a sex room) is a set of films that Hong Kong people can't imagine: "A room specially designed as a sex room is a place for sex. Are you stupid?" As the so-called poverty limits imagination, the lack of land supply makes us lack space even for sex , and we need to design a room only for errands? Too unrealistic, right?

But the show's designer, Melanie Rose, was able to shatter that thinking, and there are certainly no shortage of big names on the show who have given her entire basements or rooms to design. However, in one episode, she also helped a pair of lesbians change the van of "parking in the car" into a living space where they can sleep, fight and work on weekdays. She does have her own set.

Melanie is not so much a designer, I think she is also a competent mental coordinator and sex toy clerk. Every time she will first understand the customer's needs, such as color, what she likes to "play" during sex, why she needs a sex room... From this, Hori tells the story of a couple or couple: for example, she has to take care of children and almost get divorced because of lack of private space. , The house is full of clutter, and the lack of sexuality, gay couples who need long d to open cam, cross-dressing couples can show their truest side in private space, and even polygamous families need one sheet that can accommodate seven people The big bed and big bathroom to play with "Golden Holy Water" (someone who doesn't know what it is, this is to make people pee on him/her to get pleasure), it really opened my eyes to the way of sex.

If you don't think about the drainage problem, this is completely my dish

Melanie will take her "kate spade classic yellow bag" to customers' homes to show them whips, hand buckles, dildos, butt plugs...to test their preferences, and will take customers to different "sex suppliers" "Go to try out, such as rope binding, BDSM queen, Kink coach, sex shop, etc. There are indeed some serious things, and I also learned that the big cross that binds people was originally called St. Andrew's Cross, which is used for "bridge pose". It's a Tantra chair , and it's literally "an encyclopedia of sex." After testing what the client likes, Melanie will incorporate those fixtures and toys into her room design, making Moulin Rouge, Las Vegas, Wilderness… and more. I don't know if most foreigners like heavy mouth so much, but her fusion design style such as buckled dildo and tied to a hammock is not without beauty, I can only say that watching this album is really impressive. Possibilities/actions of human growth and understanding. As with one of the couple's sex rooms, the room can be designed to be aesthetically pleasing and playful, even if it doesn't go overboard.

Tantra chair

The other side of the album that made me feel comfortable was Melanie's interaction with Mike, his construction contractor. Melanie will tell Mike how she wants to design, buy sex furniture, Mike will install and test usage with Melanie, such as uncle pole dancing, sex bed with hands and feet tied on all sides, cages for people and test couples bathtubs, really Super hilarious. And because Melanie is British, every time she speaks, she will be told by customers that she has Your majesty Queen's accent, and then she will also say that she likes to buy shoes the most, and there are more than 70 pairs of shoes at home, and her eyes will shine to try The client's beautiful shoes, she knows the client's secret or her expression is super exaggerated and cute when she is happy. In addition, her mature clothes match so well, it helps the client to unravel the sexual knot, get a horny, arouse interest, and is really warm. Makes me happy to watch.

live baby testing toys

I think this set is very suitable for manicure and mask, because it doesn't matter if the plot is missed, and you can laugh every now and then. Couples and couples watching together can take the opportunity to open up topics, or they may be able to express Hori's "new sexual interest".


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