
Penana 駐站作家。主修談情說愛,副修吃喝玩樂。 特技:能一箭射穿50米外的蘋果。 已出版/遊戲化著作: ‧ 實境解謎劇場:《謎霧環山:巴卡羅的繼承者》小說原著 ‧ 小說 :《願望計程車》、《幸福藍默蝶》、《戀人湖之吻》、《未完的終章》、《蛋殼仙人掌》、《守護天使的SMS》、《朋友以上,戀人未滿》 網站:https://bit.ly/Catabell IG:@amovingmoment

self label

In my eyes, there is no difference between men and women, only the difference between love and not love; when one person is with another person, it doesn't matter whether the other person is male or female. After all, gender identity and sexual orientation are very personal matters, and there is no room for outsiders to peck at them. That is the right and freedom of choice that everyone should have. I oppose discrimination and absolutely support LGBTQIA+ fighting for all the rights they deserve in the law, but I don't quite understand the mentality of taking the initiative to label myself.

From LGBT at the beginning, to LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, and now LGBTQIA+? What do "I" and "A" stand for? It's too backward, and I checked it online, and it turned out to be "intersex (intersex) and "asexual (asexual)".

Is it necessary for each group to jump out and fight for a label for themselves? Announce to the world that you are different from ordinary people?

Don't get me wrong, I totally support diversity, equity, and inclusion .

It’s just that in my eyes , there is no difference between men and women, only love and not love; when one person is with another person, it doesn’t matter whether the other person is male or female. After all, gender identity and sexual orientation are very personal matters, and there is no room for outsiders to peck at them. That is the right and freedom of choice that everyone should have.

I oppose discrimination and absolutely support LGBTQIA+ fighting for all the rights they deserve in the law, but I don’t quite understand the mentality of taking the initiative to label myself. If this development continues, will the unlabeled group eventually become the object of discrimination?

A few days ago, a bear sent me the trailer of Ms. Marvel, which seems to be the first Muslim superhero. It is said that the current Hollywood protagonist cannot be too beautiful, nor too good-looking, because that is the objectification of women. The road to Hollywood entertainers is getting more and more difficult, and actresses who are too beautiful and beautiful have become obstacles and are discriminated against.

Because of BLM, more and more TV series and movies are overly self-censored and do not explicitly designate black people as the protagonists. Black people can also be handsome, but the point is that they don't fit the character's character. As I said in my essay <All Lives Matter> , all living beings are equal, and overdoing it is discrimination. Disregarding historical facts, casting a white man as a slave and then casting a black actor as a noble is just as unacceptable as asking a white man to play the Black Panther?

Further reading: Prose <All Lives Matter>


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