
2022 年開始寫作,22 在布里斯托學習歷史, 一個武術家、歷史學家、作家,一個仔細考慮自己未來的人,喜歡享受。 源自亞洲,崛起於歐洲。

A Week in London / Short Essay

London is the capital of the United Kingdom, surrounded by the Thames River. The main buildings and government buildings in London are on both sides of the river. There are everything, very old subway, crowded streets, busy work and work hours, blue and blue. The sky, a refreshing twenty-four hour city that never sleeps...
Tower of London

Fresh, busy, standard first-tier cities,

Crowded, always late subways and buses, a symbol of Britain,

Beggars everywhere, see the same people every day asking you for money,

Is it very different from the Great Britain you imagined?

People often think that this is a profitable business city, with real people wearing beautiful cars and suits.

Some people also say that things are very slow here, and the phone is often unanswered, especially for medical care, the speed is very slow, it is really slow;

London is one of the business districts in the UK. People from different places come to work in London to support their wives and children in the future.

Different races come together in London, different languages, different identities, it is a truly pluralistic society, here you must know English! That is the so-called English!

The subway is actually very convenient if you are not late, but it is a fact that it is often overcrowded.

In London, you have to go out early, because the traffic jam is very serious, and the consequences of being late for work are different, so be careful!

London streets will also be unsafe, be prepared to pay attention to the Quartet, especially the streets full of pedestrians, mainly tourist places, libraries, museums, etc...

Also remember to look at the time and place. Some places close early, and some places are always full. Not to mention shopping, it takes a long time to go to the toilet.

I haven't been to London for a long time, and the feeling that I have lived here has never changed. It's still the same London, or the one that can't be said to be inconvenient, busy 24 hours a day, and the complicated capital of England - London.


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