
单亲妈妈的生活故事💕爱美🤩 爱音乐🎵 爱生活✨ 爱我所爱(⑉°з°)-♡ 所有人都是从陌生到认识哒... 你我缘分碰巧啦... 啊哈🤗

My Favorite Meal--Tan Xiang Da Hand Cake 🌯

My Favorite Meal--Tan Xiang Da Hand Cake 🌯

Sharing a breakfast pie this morning! Hand grabbing cake 🌯

This is a freshly baked hand cake in the morning, golden and crispy, full of sauce flavor 😋

Stuffed with my favorite lettuce and black pepper sausage, and my favorite sauce

Grab it with your hands, bite it down, the taste is distinct, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it is! 🤩

This is a staple food with both nutrition and taste. It is perfect for breakfast, and you will never get tired of eating it!

The practice of hand-grabbing cake is very simple, the cake shell of the hand-grabbing cake bought online, of course, you can also try to make the cake embryo by yourself, maybe if you learn to make your own cake embryo, it may be more delicious than the bought one.

I haven't learned it yet, so this is a purchased cake embryo! The ingredients in the inside can be added according to your own preferences. I did not put poached eggs, because I like to eat more vegetables, so I put a few pieces of lettuce leaves and added a little tomato 🍅 The sauce is sour and sweet 😋

I boiled the eggs and ate them in advance. This time, the ingredients inside the biscuits were simpler, but I ate two biscuits by myself 😅 I also added three black pepper sausages and fried them^ ω^

eat well 😂


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