
2021至今,伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS)在读博士 2019-2020,波士顿学院,神学硕士,主修叙利亚传统 2015-2018,波士顿圣十字架希腊正教神学院,主修希腊教父灵修。

Lecture - Orthodox Devotional Tradition and Early Syrian Devotional Tradition

Lecture: Orthodox Devotional and the Devotional Tradition of the Early Syrian Church

The author gave two public lectures.

The first lecture introduces the Orthodox devotional tradition - taking the example of Eros 1 (φιλοκαλία Philokalia). This lecture is a theological essence lecture I gave at the invitation of Columbia International University (CIU) in 2020. This lecture introduces the background and main contents of the "Eros" edited by Nicodemus of the Holy Mount: Inner Prayer, also known as Holy Prayer, Jesus Prayer, Watching Prayer, etc. This lecture is only a recording, the link is: https://apply.ciu-online.org/local/staticpage/view.php?page=20200811v , welcome to listen and download.

The second lecture introduces the early Syrian spiritual traditions - from Solomon to Aphram Essence. This lecture is a public lecture given by Brother Shan Chuanhang in his academic mission ministry at the invitation of Brother Shan Chuanhang. Its Youtube video link is as follows

  1. In China, it is usually translated as "Music Collection" or "Love Beauty Collection", the original Greek is: φιλοκαλία, φιλο means mutual love, καλία literally means good, beautiful, in Greek philosophy, it refers to the one, the supreme god, in Christianity Context means God. Therefore, the author translated it as "Love God Collection"


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