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[Book Draw Event: NFT Future]

Recently, KBA Publishing House sent me this NFT-related book. It’s very interesting. I didn’t expect such a new technology to be written and published as a book. To be able to get a glimpse of what is interesting about NFTs.

[A book suitable for NFT novices and veterans alike]

In this book, a novice-friendly introduction to the definition of NFT, the relationship between NFT and the creator economy, and the history of NFT from 2012 to the year of 2021, the year when it exploded out of the circle;

This book also mentions various industries currently used by NFTs, and teaches you how to mint and list your NFTs. It also invites many experts to interview to discuss the valuation model of NFTs, how to create and collect them, and the future development of NFTs. There are risks, etc. I think it is to explain the current NFT gameplay in great detail.

If you are a friend who is very interested in NFTs but knows nothing and has no way to start learning, I highly recommend you to use a simple book to understand what NFTs are doing;

If you already know about NFTs and have traded them before, this book provides some expert ideas that are worth referring to. I also saw a lot of key points of NFTs that I didn't notice in it.

The CEO of Clonex once said that now we only see 0.1% of the application of NFT. At present, most of them are still the functions of social images and showing off their wealth, but in fact, there will be more interesting applications of empowerment and integration of virtual and real in the future. I look forward to this technology bringing more changes and benefits to human society.

➡️ Instagram raffle details: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca9uUhtqUP8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

✅ Follow my IG account @learning_lemonway

✅ Like and share this post for a limited time, feel free to type and tag me @learning_lemonway

✅ Leave a comment on IG post and tag two friends to tell us what you think about NFTs!

🔥 Event time

The deadline is 3/18 23:59 a week later. Announce and tag the winners in this post!

∎ Note

① Shipping Method Books are mailed by the publisher

② Only Taiwan Peng Jinma readers can participate


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