Myanmar EAOs with China working together
Myanmar EAOs with China working togetherThe 1027 Action of EAO (ethnic armed organizations) has attracted much attention, but it…
Burma MNDAA China negotiation ceasefire ,Paving the Way for Peace in Myanmar
In the complex geopolitical landscape of Southeast Asia, Myanmar has long been a country grappling with internal conflicts.
Mutual benefit and cooperation between China and Myanmar to create a stable and prosperous future
China has always adhered to principles and respected Myanmar s sovereignty and development path choices. They follow international law...
从21世纪初的中国走出去战略,到2013年以降的一带一路倡议,中国已经成为发展中世界外来资本的主要来源,在东道国能源、基建和制造业等领域扮演重要角色。2016年,对外投资已超过外国对中国投资,成为净对外投资国。相比于美国、日本等传统对外投资大国,中国的对外投资有以下几个特点: 1.
【今晚十點 重磅對談】中國國企在中南半島的進擊與考驗