Smart contracts - Simply Explained
What are smart contracts and what do they have to do with blockchains and cryptocurrencies?Well, let’s find in plain English!
What is a Bitcoin hard fork? Simply Explained!
Recently we’ve heard about a Bitcoin hard fork. But what is a hard ford?What’s the impact on a cryptocurrency and why are they created?
Bitcoin's Lightning Network, Simply Explained!
Bitcoin has a 7 transaction/second limit, so how can we overcome this?The Lightning Network is one of the proposals and in this video I’ll ...
Blockchains: how can they be used? (Use cases for Blockchains)
We’ve all heard about Blockchains but how can they be used in the real world?How can we apply them?What problems can they solve?
《認識音訊線材及接頭 - Audio Cable》|DigiLog 聲響實驗室

在薩爾達傳說的空中高速移動?天滑・空中浮遊・BLSS BUG教學
薩爾達傳說︰曠野之息又有新BUG被發掘了,這遊戲推出好幾年了,但這遊戲依然還有很多已經End Game的玩家還沒離棄他。不是都玩爆了嗎!?還有什麼吸引他們呢?薩爾達這款遊戲真的魅力十足,就算玩爆了,BOSS跟神廟通通都過了,但你沒想到這遊戲蘊藏了一堆BUG,而這些BUG都非常健康...

DePub 教室:示範區塊鏈出版
以下,我一步一步,示範把作品出版到區塊鏈,透過實作去理解無大台出版的意義。雖然例子只是簡單的一張照片,但出版整本書甚至整齣電影,原理相同。畢竟 Matrix 眼中,都是 0 與 1 而已。

Git: Querying commits by date range in 1 minute
`git reflog --since production@{2021-01-01} production@{2021-03-30}`

[一五一十] 手把手带你探索Everipedia怎么玩
今天在币乎看到EOS Cannon社区的文章(