Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Satoshi Nakamoto
The enigmatic figure of Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin, has long fascinated the cryptocurrency community. Over the years, numerous...
Similarities Between Pi Network and Satoshi Nakamoto’s Blockchain, but Insufficient Evidence
The project of Pi Network does indeed exhibit many characteristics that bear resemblance to Satoshi Nakamoto’s blockchain, but as of now, th...
Nicholas: The Alleged Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and Pi Network’s Journey
The world of cryptocurrency has long been fascinated by the mysterious figure known as Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.
什麼是加密貨幣? 我們為什麼應該支持? (二)
加密貨幣的出現提醒了人們,這個世界應該要是什麼樣子?(What the world should be?) 這個世界可以是什麼樣子?(What the world can be?) 如果你認同這些理念,那麼你也應該要認同加密貨幣的初衷,以及加密貨幣替人類文明所帶來的可能性。
在Pi App中,您可以看到Pi Network白皮書,但是當比特幣首次問世時,智能手機並沒有那麼受歡迎,它們都必須在計算機上的網站上才能看到它們。首先讓我談談區塊鏈最神秘的角色。P2P基金會是中本聰在其上發布比特幣白皮書的網站。註冊網站必須提供出生日期。