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Think First, Do Later OR Do First, Think Later


Co-Writer: @ChatGPT

Some say that "think" should come before "do" since it is critical to properly consider what we are going to do before we do it. This enables us to assess the preparations and approaches, input and output, and potential implications of our actions, and ensure that they are consistent with our aims and values. Furthermore, thinking before acting might help us avoid making hasty or impulsive judgments that we may later regret.

Others, on the other hand, feel that "do" should come before "think" because action is frequently the best way to learn and grow. We gain experience and fresh information by doing something, which might help us refine our thinking and make better decisions in the future. In this view, rather than the other way around, the act of doing precedes and informs the act of thinking.

Finally, the order of "do" and "think" may differ depending on the scenario and the individual's aims and ideals. In some circumstances, it may be more vital to properly plan and consider before acting, yet in others, acting and learning from the experience may be more useful.

Some examples might be nice.

We're not strange on Facebook. Facebook is a typical technology corporation that has frequently taken the "do first, think later" strategy.

The company has a history of rapidly launching new products and features, and then iterating and improving upon them based on user feedback and data. When Facebook first launched, it was a simple website for Harvard students to connect with each other. The founders, Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates, had built the site in a matter of weeks as a way for students to share information and stay in touch. However, the site quickly gained popularity and the founders decided to expand it to other colleges and then to anyone with an email address. This rapid growth was driven by the founders' desire to make Facebook available to as many people as possible, without fully considering the potential consequences of this expansion.

After launching, Facebook continued to iterate and enhance its product based on user feedback and statistics. The company developed new features and capabilities, including photo and video sharing, and integrated with other websites and services. Facebook also concentrated on developing a successful advertising business, which enabled it to generate income and fund its expansion.

As the company grew, it was criticized for how it handled user data, privacy, and misinformation on its platform. Facebook has changed its policies and practices in response, and it continues to invest in technology and human review to address these challenges. However, Facebook's early strategy of "doing first and thinking afterwards" enabled it to quickly capitalize on fresh opportunities and become one of the world's most successful and important Internet companies.

Another example for the “think first and do later” approach is Google.

The company has a reputation for being methodical and careful in its decision-making, and for investing heavily in research and development to ensure that its products and services are of high quality.

Google's method of "thinking first and doing later" has enabled it to develop breakthrough products and services that have helped it become one of the world's most successful and important technology businesses. The company's search engine is the most popular on the internet, and its other products, including Gmail, Android, and Google Maps, are also popular and well-regarded. Furthermore, Google's efforts in R&D have enabled it to develop new technologies and penetrate new areas, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing.

Before launching the search engine, Google did considerable user research to better understand consumers' search engine needs and preferences. Surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other ways of getting customer feedback have been used. This research would have provided Google with information about what people want in a search engine, such as accuracy, speed, relevance, and ease of use. Second, they iterated and improved their search engine using data-driven decision-making. The corporation places a high value on data and analytics, and it is very possible that data from user behavior and feedback was utilized to shape the creation of its search engine. Google, for example, might have used data to identify regions where its search engine performed well and areas where it might be improved, and then used that information to make modifications and enhancements to the search engine. Third, Google relied on experimentation and innovation to determine the best product-market fit for its search engine. The organization has an experimental culture that encourages people to come up with new ideas and try them immediately. This most likely allowed Google to experiment with multiple search tactics and quickly identify the ones that were most popular with consumers.

Another example is Google's self-driving car technology, which the corporation spent several years studying and testing before making it available to the public. This involved rigorous simulations and real-world tests, as well as data collection on how the automobiles performed in various conditions. Furthermore, Google collaborated closely with authorities and safety organizations to ensure that the technology was safe and in accordance with applicable laws and standards.

In general, Google has a strong focus on user research and data-driven decision-making, which helps it to understand the needs and preferences of its users. The company also has a culture of innovation and experimentation, which allows it to quickly test and iterate on new ideas to find the ones that are most successful.

Additionally, Google has a large and diverse product portfolio, which allows it to experiment with different ideas and find product-market fit in a variety of markets. For example, the company has products and services in areas such as search, advertising, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, which allows it to explore a wide range of opportunities and find success in different markets.

Overall, Google's focus on user research, data-driven decision-making, and experimentation has likely played a key role in helping the company find product-market fit for its various products and services.

This kind of careful thinking and planning is typical of Google's approach to product development. The company often takes a long-term view and invests heavily in research and development to ensure that its products are of high quality and meet the needs of its users. This approach has helped Google to create innovative products and services that have made it one of the most successful and influential tech companies in the world.

Based on the above discussions, it appears that there are advantages to both the "do first and think later" and "think first and do later" approaches when starting a new web3 project.

On the one hand, the "do first and think later" approach can be beneficial because it allows you to quickly take action and learn from the experience. By doing something, you gain new information and insights that can help you to refine your thinking and make better decisions in the future. This approach can also help you to capitalize on new opportunities and adapt to changing market conditions.

The "think first, do later" approach, on the other hand, can be advantageous since it allows you to thoroughly analyze the potential consequences of your actions and ensure that they correspond with your aims and values. This strategy can also assist you in producing high-quality products and services, as well as avoiding rash or impulsive actions that you may later regret.

Overall, the best approach may depend on the specific project and the goals and values of the individuals involved. In some cases, it may be more beneficial to take a "do first and think later" approach, while in other cases it may be more beneficial to take a "think first and do later" approach. It may also be useful to find a balance between the two approaches and to adapt your approach as the project progresses and new information becomes available.

Nonetheless, I don't believe we need to pick between the two ways in the current market scenario. "Do first, think later" is more of a marketing strategy during a bull market. Everyone is attempting to unearth a massive opportunity, and everyone is attempting to BE the massive opportunity. Everyone is fearful of missing out. Whereas in a bear market, people have more time to juggle, think over, and consider their options. That is why, during a bear market, I strongly recommend you to learn, think, discuss, connect, and dispute before putting your heads down to do something.

Well cheers, that’s all for today. I sincerely hope to connect with people. If you’re interested, leave a comment below or send me an email. I will definitely reply!

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