【推文】James Lindsay - What can be, unburdened by what has been


這是 James Lindsay 最近寫的長推文(但不算很長),剛好與跟之前的集體主義/共產主義有關聯,也跟現代其他集體主義議程有關



Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen.

讓我們來談談 Kamala Harris 經常說的「去看見可以成為甚麼,同時擺脫過去/歷史負擔」(to see what can be, unburdened by what has been)(本句我覺得很難精簡準確地翻譯,所以才需要本文,下面盡量用原句表示),她一直重複的這句話並不神秘,而是深奧(esoteric),也就是神秘/玄妙的(occult),這是馬克思主義路西法主義的咒語而且這是顯而易見的

(原影片長四分鐘就只是一直在播放她說「what can be, unburdened by what has been」的片段,不過這裡不能貼影片檔所以我找較短的貼(22秒),要看原影片去連結網頁看)


What "esoteric" means here is that it has a hidden meaning. It looks and sounds like goofy nonsense, but it isn't. People who know, know. That is, it's coded and Gnostic in its formulation and the principle she's articulating is ultimately Luciferian/Hermetic, a la Marx.


We can set aside the hand gesture she typically makes while uttering this incantation, although we shouldn't. It's blatantly up on the right (what can be, a worldly utopia) and down on the left (unburdened by, or liberated/emancipated from the mundane status quo).

我們可以把她通常在念出這個咒語時所做的手勢先放到一邊,不過我們不該這樣做,這手勢很明顯地是一邊向右上(what can be,一個世界性的烏托邦)而另一邊向左下(擺脫世俗現況的負擔,或從世俗現況解放出來)

Let's have a look at Karl Marx issuing the same idea. Here he is at the punchline of the Communist Manifesto explaining that when the proletariat organizes itself and executes a revolution, it can move forward into what can be (Communism) unburdened by class antagonisms.

讓我們來看看馬克思如何表達同一想法,在下面(看圖)他的「共產黨宣言」中有一段文字解釋「當無產階級組織起來並進行革命時,它便可以前進到"what can be"(共產主義)並擺脫階級對抗」

Here's how Marx opens the Communist Manifesto, though: "The history of all hitherto existing society" [what has been] "is the history of class struggles." That's precisely what he says a Communist revolution would emancipate [unburden] Man from in the punchline, though.

下面是馬克思如何為「共產黨宣言」開頭:「迄今為止所有社會的歷史(what has been)是階級鬥爭的歷史」,這正正是他所說共產主義革命會把人類從中解放出來的東西

In other words, Marxism itself, in its own manifest declaration, identifies it as being able to move into "what can be, unburdened by what has been," and socialist/Marxist consciousness is a Gnostic awakening to "see what can be, unburdened by what has been." Straight Communism.

換句話說馬克思主義本身在它的宣言中主張它可以「前進到"what can be, unburdened by what has been"」同時社會主義/馬克思主義意識是一種諾斯底主義的覺醒並看見「what can be, unburdened by what has been」,清楚的共產主義(最後這一句好難譯,看原文吧)

A few years earlier in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844), Marx expresses the same idea, comparing "crude Communism" to true, transcendent Communism. It's [becoming unburdened by] private property "as human self-estrangement" through "positive transcendence."


The general theory (theology) of Marxism is that Man is burdened by what has been, which is called his "historical conditions," but can awaken to his true (socio-spiritual) self, which is socialist, so that it can be transcended. "To see what can be, unburdened by what has been."

馬克思主義的通論(神學)是指人類受到背負過去/歷史負擔,稱之為各人的「歷史狀態」(historical conditions),但人們可以向他們真正(社會精神)的自我覺醒,也就是社會主義者,所以「歷史狀態」可以被超越,"To see what can be, unburdened by what has been."

Here, earlier in EPM, Marx is explaining that awakening to a social(ist) consciousness (that is, man's true nature) has a transformative capacity to unburden/emancipate the senses to "see what can be, unburdened by what has been," rather literally. This is what it's really about.

在《1844年經濟學哲學手稿》馬克思解釋向社會(主義)意識覺醒(也是人的真實本性)居有變革能力去解放知覺/意識去「see what can be, unburdened by what has been

Marx characterizes "what has been" as an "exoteric revelation of man's essential powers" to build a future for himself emancipated from his own historical conditions. That is, "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been" is an ESOTERIC incantation making this meaning visible

馬克思將「過去的事」描述為「人類本質力量的外在啟示」去建立一個屬於人類的、同時從人類自身的「歷史狀態」中解放的未來,也就是說「to see what can be, unburdened by what has been」是一個深奧的咒語令此一意義變得可見

Exactly the same mentality appears in Queer Theory (Queer Marxism, so no surprise). "Queerness is not yet here. Queerness is an ideality." It's a "horizon imbued with potentiality." Being "Queer" means being able "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been."

同樣的思想方式也出現在酷兒理論(也就是酷兒馬克思主義,所以不意外),「酷兒尚未到來,酷兒是一種理想」,它是「充滿潛力的地平線」,成為「酷兒」意味著可以「to see what can be, unburdened by what has been

How clearly does it have to be written to see it?
"Queerness is a structuring and educated mode of desiring that allows us to see and feel beyond the quagmire of the present. The here and now is a prison house."
The goal is to reach "what can be, unburdened by what has been."

目標是達到「what can be, unburdened by what has been

Exactly the same sentiment is expressed in CRT through "antiracism." An "antiracist" society is one that can see or imagine "what can be, unburdened by what has been," meaning the history of racism and racial antagonism and injustice, which are our "historical conditions."

Critical Race Theory(批判性種族理論,簡稱CRT)中透過「反種族主義」表達了完全相同的觀點,一個「反種族主義」社會是一個能夠看到或想像「what can be, unburdened by what has been」的社會,這意味著種族主義、種族對抗和不公正的歷史是我們的「歷史狀態」

The sentiment Kamala Harris repeats endlessly, seemingly weirdly, is an esoteric incantation of societal and human rebirth (that is, a cult) that has manifested in such human paroxysms as the French Revolution, all Communist revolutions, and Lucifer's revolt against Heaven.

Kamala Harris不斷重複的這個觀點,雖看似奇怪,是一種社會和人類重生(即邪教)的深奧咒語,它在法國大革命、所有共產主義革命和路西法對天堂的反抗等人類情緒暴發事件中得到了體現

Lucifer sought "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." God had created the perfect order in perfect Plenitude, but the angels had no free will beyond their first choice to accept or reject. Lucifer, in his pride, rejected, "to see what can be unburdened by" Heaven.

路西法尋求「to see what can be, unburdened by what has been」,上帝在完美的豐盛(Plenitude)中創造了完美的秩序,但天使除了接受或拒絕的第一選擇之外沒有自由意志,路西法驕傲地拒絕了,「to see what can be, unburdened by」天堂

In the French Revolution, the goal was to establish a wholly new society that would have a new calendar, new government, new everything, starting at Year One. They were going to see what could be for the French people unburdened by what has been in French society. Disaster.

法國大革命的目標是建立一個全新的社會,有新的日曆、新的政府、新的一切,從新日曆的第一年開始,他們想看看法國人民擺脫了法國社會的過去這個負擔後會成為甚麼 - 一場災難

The French Revolution was actually modeled after Oliver Cromwell's Glorious Revolution in which the radical Puritan faction in England would aim "to see what can be, unburdened by" the chain of royal succession and divine right of kings in England. Murderous disaster.

法國大革命實際上是以奧利佛·克倫威爾(Oliver Cromwell)的光榮革命(168811月)為藍本,在這場革命中,英國激進的清教徒派系的目標是「to see what can be, unburdened by」英國王室繼承和國王神聖權利的束縛 - 一場殺戮災難

It's worth knowing that Cromwell called his great experiment "The Great Protectorate," so that we can reflect on how much Kamala Harris's "what can be" is predicated on "safety" in our own day. Of course, the French called it the Committee for Public Safety too.

值得一提的是,克倫威爾將他的偉大實驗稱為「偉大的保護國」,這樣我們就可以反思Kamala Harris的「what can be」在我們這個時代有多少以我們今日的「安全」為前提,當然,法國人也稱他們的實驗為「公共安全委員會」(Committee for Public Safety

While every Communist revolution, like Marx indicates, is a revolt against what has been in the hopes of achieving a utopia only the cult can "see" (or "imagine"), is also a complete social rebirth, it's most obvious in Pol Pot's Cambodian Revolution with its "Year Zero."

雖然正如馬克思所指出的那樣,每一次共產主義革命都是一場對「what has been」反抗及一個實現那個只有邪教才能「看到」(或「想像」)的烏托邦的希望,也是一次徹底的社會重生,這在Pol Pot(共產主義革命家)的柬埔寨革命中的「第零年」(Year Zero)最為明顯

(下圖在原文中沒有但是相關同時也是被James Lindsay多次重貼)

Cromwell, the French, the Bolsheviks, Pol Pot, Mao, and the rest were all leading people to see "what 'can be,' unburdened by what has been." The death and rebirth of self and society is precisely the goal, and that's what Kamala Harris routinely channels (incants).

Cromwell、法國人、BolsheviksPol Pot、毛澤東和其他人都在帶領人們去看見「what can be, unburdened by what has been」,自我和社會的死亡和重生正是目標,這就是Kamala Harris經常傳播(唸咒)的內容

Today, we have the Great Reset. That is, a Great [What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been]. That's how a reset works. You unburden yourself from what "has been" and start over. It's the same exact program in essence, though not in mechanisms and details.

現今我們有Great Reset(偉大重置?)(World Economic Forum / WEF / 世界經濟論壇說的),也就是說,一個偉大的「What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been」,這就是重置,你擺脫「過去」的負擔並重新開始,儘管機制和細節不同,但本質上是相同的程序

Though this thread is already very long, it's worth pointing out that Klaus Schwab's (WEF) most recent book is essentially a long manifesto of how we can move into a new world by "[seeing] what can be, unburdened by what has been" (here: shareholder capitalism and GDP growth).

雖然這篇文章已經很長了,但值得指出的是,Klaus Schwab(WEF)的最新著作(The Great Narrative (The Great Reset Book 2))本質上是一份很長的宣言,內容是我們如何透過「[seeing] what can be, unburdened by what has been,進入一個新世界 (此處的what has been是指shareholder capitalismGDP 增長)

The objective of the so-called New World Order is precisely that: a new circular economy focused on "wellbeing" that's managed by "enlightened" stakeholders (what can be) unburdened by shareholder fiduciary responsibility, profit, and individual achievement (what has been).

所謂的新世界秩序(New World Order,NWO)的目標恰恰是:一種以「福祉」(wellbeing)為重點的新循環經濟(circular economy,留意一下),由「已覺醒」的stakeholders(利益相關者)管理(what can be),(unburdened by)不受股東信託責任、利潤和個人成就的負擔(what has been

(原文沒有說但WEF也經常用此詞稱呼它描述的新經濟:Stakeholder Capitalism,別跟shareholder capitalism搞混)

I'll sum up here, though so much more could be said. We're undergoing a global French (or Communist) Revolution, which will have disastrous results. Kamala Harris chants the Marxist/Luciferian incantation of that evil agenda: "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been."

我在這裡總結一下,儘管可以說的還有很多,我們正在經歷一場全球性的法國(或共產主義)革命,這將帶來災難性的後果,Kamala Harris高喊著馬克思主義/路西法主義的邪惡議程的咒語:「to see what can be, unburdened by what has been

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