感觉自从我,由擅长的理科转向选择文科那天起,这辈子都只能写软科幻文了_(´ཀ`」 ∠)__ ……再也硬核不了〒_〒,因为,我太懒了!就算喜欢星空,也最多偶尔翻翻天文知识书……
Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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感觉自从我,由擅长的理科转向选择文科那天起,这辈子都只能写软科幻文了_(´ཀ`」 ∠)__ ……再也硬核不了〒_〒,因为,我太懒了!就算喜欢星空,也最多偶尔翻翻天文知识书……
Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!