



本届奥运会上,Simone Manuel获得100米自由泳金牌,成为美国历史上第一位获得奥运游泳冠军的黑人女性。这一事件让舆论重新关注起体育运动中存在的种族问题。


At the midway point of the Athens Games, with China in a surprisingly tight competition with the United States for the lead in gold medals, the party's chief newspaper, People's Daily, cautioned that track and field events were about to begin.
While Chinese are ''suited'' to sports like Ping-Pong, badminton and gymnastics that require agility and technique, the newspaper noted, purely athletic events are different. Chinese had ''congenital shortcomings'' and ''genetic differences'' that created disadvantages against black and white athletes.

在美国,体育方面的种族成见同样存在。二十世纪以前,美国主流社会认为黑人只能做粗重的体力活,但是不适合搞更「高级」的竞技体育;三十年代Jesse Owens在田径中大放异彩后,主流社会的态度变成「黑人确实爆发力强没错,但是毅力不足(great speed but little stamina)」或者「黑人单打独斗可以,但是团队精神不行」,以此来阻止黑人运动员进军篮球等职业领域;再后来又流行起「黑人天生体力好,(但是/所以)天生智力差」的观念,用黑人运动员在体育上的成功来为教育和职场上的歧视辩护。


According to Professor Rob Ruck, a sports historian at the University of Pittsburgh who has written extensively about why certain sports flourish in certain communities and not others, there are three factors that dictate which “sport takes on significance within a community of people.” First, “A set of environmental and class, or socioeconomic factors. Second, when the sport provides certain tangible and material rewards, benefits and opportunities. The third is when a particular sport has acquired a deeply rooted historic meaning to people.”


As an example, Ruck pointed to the declining number of black professional baseball players. “In the 70’s African-Americans comprised over a quarter of all major leaguers, today it’s under 10%.” Citing his three factor theory, Ruck explained that baseball has traditionally been a sport that a male father figure has passed down to his son and the increase in fatherless black households has meant that a boy growing up playing catch with his father in these communities is less likely.

在美国,游泳是受种族歧视直接影响最重的体育领域之一(其它像冰球等项目,虽然也几乎是「纯白人」的游戏,但这种排斥有一部分是社会经济阶层差异导致的,只是在美国,经济差异恰好与种族存在高度相关性)。历史学家Jeff Wiltse在《Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America》一书中,详细追溯了美国社会如何将黑人排斥在泳池之外。简单地说,在种族隔离时代,黑人不被允许进入公共泳池;随着民权运动后种族隔离被禁止,白人社区纷纷修建乡村俱乐部泳池、私人后院泳池等,而白人控制的地方政府则不再花钱维护公共泳池,放任其水质败坏无法使用。《大西洋月刊》曾以德克萨斯McKinney市为例展现这一变迁过程



The proliferation of private schools in the South “was a gigantic event, and it blew the minds of civil rights folks and took the wind out of their sails,” said Douglas A. Blackmon, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center who is working on a documentary about the effects of segregation academies.
“But in a minute, it was over,” he said of the effort to combat such schools. “And the well-intentioned work Hillary described was no match for the absolute insistence of millions of Southern whites that their kids never go to school with black kids.”


话说回来,美国(以及其它国家)的种族状况比起几十年前肯定是有了极大进步的。比如1968年奥运会上,美国黑人运动员Tommie Smith和John Carlos分别获得200米赛跑的金、铜牌。在颁奖仪式上,Smith和Carlos光脚、一手戴黑色手套、握拳抬臂,向几个月前遇刺身亡的马丁路德金、以及主张走激进反抗路线的黑豹党致敬。Smith和Carlos因此被美国奥运代表团禁赛,从奥运村驱逐回国,并在此后不断收到死亡威胁。

而获得银牌的澳大利亚白人运动员Peter Norman,事先知道了Smith和Carlos的计划。Norman虽然没有在领奖台上做出同样的动作,但他戴上了Olympic Project for Human Rights的胸章,以表示对Smith和Carlos争取种族平权的支持。然而澳大利亚当时同样是一个种族隔离的国家,Norman的举动让他付出了比Smith和Carlos更为沉重的代价:他被国家队除名,创造的全国短跑记录从此无人提起;患上抑郁症,艰难谋生并借酒消愁,直到2006年突发心脏病去世;悉尼奥组委曾经邀请他加入,前提是发表声明谴责Smith和Carlos当年的举动,但被Norman拒绝;一直到2012年,在美国媒体的舆论压力下,澳大利亚议会才通过动议,对已经去世的Norman平反道歉

This House “recognises the extraordinary athletic achievements of the late Peter Norman, who won the silver medal in the 200 meters sprint running event at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, in a time of 20.06 seconds, which still stands as the Australian record”.
“Acknowledges the bravery of Peter Norman in donning an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge on the podium, in solidarity with African-American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who gave the ‘black power’ salute”.
“Apologises to Peter Norman for the wrong done by Australia in failing to send him to the 1972 Munich Olympics, despite repeatedly qualifying; and belatedly recognises the powerful role that Peter Norman played in furthering racial equality”.






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