
修訂早前構想的桌遊《為食貓》/HUNGRY MEOW設計,同時公開遊戲卡牌組件以便複製使用。



現為大家介紹「Hungry Meow」這款桌遊。遊戲裡頭,玩家將扮演一回流浪貓,在城巿裡掙扎求存,為一日飽腹鬥智鬥力。




● 餐點牌(Meal)7張,分別為5張「麵餅 (Loaf)」,及2張「涸魚 (Fish) 」;

● 死亡牌(Death)1張;

● 數字牌(Numbered Card)64張,每張數字牌由一款圖案(「貓掌」或「貓拳」)以及一個數字(1至8號)組成,而每張卡牌上的數字會分為紅、黃、藍或綠四種顏色。

遊戲人數:2 – 6人​
















(a) 至少兩張牌同一數字:觀察桌上卡組首5張牌,然重新編配次序,放在桌上卡組面部或者底部。


(b) 兩張牌同一顏色:從另外一名玩家手上抽一張手牌並放進自己手牌,或者將自己其中一張手牌放進另外一名手牌。


(c) 至少兩張牌同一數字同一顏色,先執行權限(a)然後權限(b)。


(8)倘若有玩家抽到「死亡牌(Death)」,該名玩家就得將其手牌(包括其所收集到的「食物牌(Meal)」以及「死亡牌(Death)」放回桌上卡組中,然後洗牌並抽一張牌。倘若是「數字牌(Numbered Card) 」,該名玩家便宣告淘汰;


(9)倘若有玩家搶先收集到任意3張「餐點牌(Meal)」,或者2張「餐點牌 (Meal)」中的「涸魚(Fish) 」,或者成為遊戲中最後的生還者(其餘玩家淘汰),該名玩家便可以向其他玩家展示有關「餐點牌(Meal)」並宣告勝利,結束遊戲。





Imagining that you were a little cat, driven out from before the face of your breeder. Wandering through streets and lanes, you roar to the crowd but garner no attention. Even with the hard work of your legs, you are not guaranteedanything to devour, or anywhere to rest.  When the stones do not turn into bread, you have no care nor faith for tomorrow.In this card game “Hungry Meow”, players will play hungry street cat, going against each other for food, for safety, and for survive.


Total 72 of Cards including: 

● 7 “Meal” Cards-

■ 5 Loaf

■ 2 Fish

● 1 “Death” Card;

● 64 Numbered cards-

■ 8 Red cards with symbol of paw – 1to 8

■ 8 Red cards with symbol of punch – 1to 8

■ 8 Blue cards with symbol of paw – 1to 8

■ 8 Blue cards with symbol of punch – 1to 8

■ 8 Green cards with symbol of paw – 1to 8

■ 8 Green cards with symbol of punch – 1to 8

■ 8 Yellow cards with symbol of paw – 1to 8

■ 8 Yellow cards with symbol of punch – 1to 8

Players: 2 - 6 

Playtime: 15 minutes

Mechanisms: Hand Management, Player Elimination, Press Your Luck, Set Collection


The first player to collect any 3 of “Meal” Cards / 2 Fish cards wins the game. If not, the player going through to the end of game (the last survivor from the Player Elimination)wins the game.

Set up

Assign one of players as the host. Shuffle the deck. Each player is dealt 5 numbered cards. Place the desk – the remaining numbered cards with “Death” Card and “Meal” Cards- facedown to form a DRAW pile.  The numbered cards played becomes a DISCARD pile. If the number of cards from DRAW pile is less than 5, shuffle the cards from the DISCARD pile and return them to the bottom of the DRAW pile.


● The host plays first, and then decides the direction of play.

● Play passes to the left / the right to start.

● Player can pick 1 card from the top of the DRAW pilebefore playing cards in his/ her turn, provided that the player has less than 7 cards in hand.  If the player has less than 2 cards in hand, s/he can pick 5 cards.

● The card picked from the top of the DRAW pile should be displayed at once before put into player’s hand, so that all player can know whether it is a “Death” Card, a “Meal” Card or a numbered card.

● If the player picks “Death” Card, s/he should return all his/her hand cards and the “Death” Card into the desk of DRAW pile. Then, s/he should shuffle the desk and draw 1 card. If the card drawn is a numbered card, the player loss and quit from the game.

● Player can play 1 to 3 numbered card(s) in his/her turn provided that they are in the same symbol (paw or punch). After that, move the turn to the next player.

● For next player, the numbered cards s/he plays must be in the same symbol with the top card on the DISCARD pile. At the same time, the sum of the numbered cards s/he plays must be greater than that of the top card set on the DISCARD pile.  For example, if the top card set on the DISCARD pile, played by the opponent, contains a Blue paw 2 and a Blue paw 4, you must play a numbered paw card with number 7 or above, or a set of numbered paw cards which the sum of the numbers is greater than 6. 

● If the player cannot play any numbered card in his/her turn, s/he has to announce “Pass” and end his/her turn.Then, the next player starts his/her turn.

● If all the opposing players announce “Pass” to the set ofnumbered card(s) you played, you can start a new turn with playing a new set of numbered card(s). 

● When all the opposing players announce “Pass” to the set of numbered card(s) you played, you may trigger the Prophecy and/or the dealer skill(s) before the drawing phrase in the beginning next turn, if the set of numbered card(s) you played fulfills the following scenario(s):-

■ Scenario (a) – at least 2 numbered cards are in the same number: Prophecy

Checking the desk’s top 5 cards and rearranging them in any order, after that, placing them to the desk’s top or the desk’s bottom;

■ Scenario (b) – 2 numbered cards are in the same color: Dealer

Drawing 1 cards from any one of opposing players’ hand to your hand, or giving 1 hand card to any one of opposing players; 

■ Scenario (c) – both requirements of Scenarios (a) and (b) are fulfilled: Prophecy skill will be triggered first, then the Dealer skill.


Whoever is filled with food will be hungry again. And everything stored on earth will one day turn to dust.  The cats have no salvation until someone stretches out thehands and invites them turning to the sweet home. Yet the cats have no choice. Unlike the cats, we human do. What will we do?


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