不負責任翻譯 |3月14日烏克蘭總統澤連斯基演講全文


Strong people of an unbreakable country!


Today is the 18th day. The 18th day of our war for life, for Ukraine, for independence.

今天是第十八天。我們為生命、為烏克蘭、為獨立而戰的第 18 天。

The beginning of this day was black. Russian missiles and air bombs hit our country again. From east to west. 30 missiles for the Lviv region alone. The shelling of the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security killed 35 people and wounded 134 others. Nothing was happening there that could threaten the territory of the Russian Federation. And only 20 kilometers away are NATO borders.

這一天的開始是黑色的。俄羅斯的導彈和空中轟炸從東到西再次襲擊了我國。單單只是利沃夫地區就有30枚導彈。對國際維和與安全中心的砲擊造成 35 人死亡,另有 134 人受傷。 那裡沒有發生任何威脅俄羅斯聯邦領土的事情,而那裡距離北約邊界只有 20 公里。

Last year, I made a clear warning to NATO leaders that if there were no tough preventive sanctions against Russia, it would start a war. We were right. I have been saying for a long time that Nord Stream is a weapon that will hit Europe. Now it's obvious. And now I repeat again - if you do not close our sky, it is only a matter of time before Russian missiles fall on your territory. NATO territory. On the homes of citizens of NATO countries.

去年,我已經向北約領導人明確警告,如果不對俄羅斯實施嚴厲的預防性制裁,戰爭就會發生。我們是正確的。長期以來,我一直在說北溪天然氣管道是威脅歐洲的武器。現在很明顯了。 現在我再重複一遍——如果你不關閉我們的天空,俄羅斯導彈落在北約領土上只是時間問題。

An American journalist was killed in the Kyiv region today. Brent Renaud. His colleague was wounded. It was a deliberate attack by the Russian military. They knew what they were doing. But not everyone in the West seems to know what they are doing. In the east of our country, the invaders decided to "demilitarize" and "denazify" the Sviatohirsk Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate. At the time of the attack, only monks and hundreds of refugees were on the territory of the monastery. No military target in or near the monastery. But Russian troops do not stop even before striking at the monastery. This fact alone demonstrates that the whole ideology of the Russian state is simply a lie.


Today I visited our guys, our defenders who are recovering from wounds at a military hospital. We talked. I presented awards. Orders and medals - for courage, for glory for Ukraine. And I really want my greeting "I wish you good health" to work today as powerfully as our Armed Forces have been holding key frontiers. For 18 days already.

今天我探訪了我們的守護者,他們正在一家軍方醫院療養。我們聊聊過天。我為了他們的勇氣和烏克蘭的榮耀頒發勳章和獎章。我真的希望今天 “祝你身體健康” 的問候能夠像我們的武裝部隊18更以來一直堅守關鍵前線一樣發揮作用。

By the way, the Russian military from Ryazan is being treated in the same hospital. He is in the same ward with our defenders. Gets the same aid. From the same doctors. Despite what this guy was doing. Against us, against Ukraine. But Ukrainian doctors saved him. And this is obvious. Because they are people. Not savages. And we have to go through this war so that we all remain human.

I am grateful to all the doctors and nurses who work in Kyiv and Dnipro, in Vinnytsia and Lviv, in Chernihiv and Donbas, in Kharkiv, in Melitopol, in Mariupol...



Sincere gratitude! From all of us. From all Ukrainians.






I also visited checkpoints today. I didn't want it to be very public. Just to support our guys. To talk. Courageous men, cheerful guys. Who defend Kyiv and know that WE will win. It is felt. We will win due to our unique ability to unite. We can always care for our people. Ours in spirit, in heart, in sincerity. I met an extraordinary person there at the checkpoint who supports our defenders every day and brings them a pot of borscht every day. Really delicious! Truly Ukrainian. Wholeheartedly. And I know that our state has been based on such people for centuries. It is thanks to such people that we will survive any dark days. Because we are together. And we always protect our own people. And our own property. NOT for money. Without coercion. NOT like those who came to us. Just because we are Ukrainians.


Important international negotiations. Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Britain. We feel the support of these countries. We feel the support for our army. It is important. I also spoke with Charles Michel, President of the European Council. About our European perspective, which is becoming a reality. Now about the negotiations with the Russian Federation. Representatives of our countries’ delegations speak in video format every day. Our delegation has a clear task - to do everything to ensure a meeting of the presidents. The meeting that I am sure people are waiting for.

重要的國際談判。我們感受到來自保加利亞、斯洛伐克、捷克共和國、羅馬尼亞、波蘭、英國的支持。這對我們來說很重要。我還與歐洲理事會主席查爾斯·米歇爾(Charles Michel) 討論關於逐漸成為現實的有關歐洲觀點及與俄羅斯談判。我們各國代表團每天都以視頻形式發言。我們的代表團有一個明確的任務:盡一切努力確保總統會議。我相信這正是人們正在等待的會議。

Obviously this is a difficult story. A hard path. But this path is needed. And our goal is for Ukraine to get the necessary result in this struggle, in this negotiation work. Necessary for peace. And for security. So that we have guarantees - normal, effective. NOT like the Budapest ones and not like in our sky. So that Ukrainians could say: this is what works. These are the guarantees. It is necessary to talk. More than ten humanitarian corridors worked. Kyiv region, Luhansk region... 5550 people were saved in one day. In six days - more than 130,000. It is necessary to talk. And this is also due to negotiations. We have to understand that.

顯然,這是一個艱難的故事,一條艱難但必須的道路。我們的目標是讓烏克蘭在談判中取得達至和平與安全的必要結果。為此我們得到一個正常、有效的保證,不像布達佩斯安全保障備忘錄,也不像我們的天空。這樣烏克蘭人就可以說:談判是行得通,是有所保證,所以談判是必要的。十多個人道走廊,在基輔、盧甘斯克等地區正在運作中。一天救了5550人。在六天內 - 超過 130,000。我們必須明白談判是必要的,這些人道走廊是因為談判而可以成功設立。

Unfortunately, the humanitarian corridor to Mariupol was blocked. Again. We did everything necessary. Ensured "silence". Russian troops disrupted the movement of cargo and buses. But we will try again. Until we can help our people. Because they are ours. Our Mariupol. Heroic Mariupol.



We are going through the worst ordeal in our history. In our lives. We protect the most precious thing we have. We must hold on. We must fight. And we will win. I know that. I believe in that.



Glory to you!

Glory to our people!

Glory to our heroes!

Glory to Ukraine!





Mariupol Military Hospital.

Pokrovsk Military Mobile Hospital.

Chasiv Yar Military Mobile Hospital.

Military Medical Clinical Center of the Eastern Region.

Cherkaske Military Hospital.

Military Medical Clinical Center of the Central Region, Vinnytsia.

Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region, Lviv.

Military Medical Rehabilitation Center, left Irpen, but continues to work.

演講片段 :https://www.instagram.com/p/CbEAjxaoc14/

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